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Slide Notes

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Published on Nov 24, 2015

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These advent slides were made by Robert Colomb
Photo by John-Morgan


  • It is a time of waiting.
  • Advent is a time of waiting.
  • It is a time of expectation.
  • Advent is a time of expectation.
Photo by mohammadali


  • We are preparing.
  • We are celebrating.
  • And we are anticipating.
  • We do All of this for the coming of Christ in the world.
Photo by Wonderlane

The word "Advent"

The word "Advent" means coming.
Photo by Mylla

The Color of advent

The color violet is a symbol of this waiting and joyful expectation.

During Advent and Christmas we hear the title Emmanuel.

Photo by Lawrence OP

Advent begins on

The fourth Sunday before Christmas.
Photo by wackystuff

Advent ends on

Christmas Eve.

In the early weeks of advent we hear the words of John the Baptist, often called the New Testament Prophet.

The Jesse tree is a way to connect the season of Advent to God's faithfulness to his people for over 4,000 years.

Photo by peterjr1961

😈The End😈

.or is it.
Photo by Stephen Brace