The adverbs “Ever and Never” ...
...are just two of the many adverbs... the English language!
The most common tenses these adverbs are used in, are the “Perfect Tenses”.
It is quite common for these two adverbs to be used in combination.
“Ever” is often used to form questions and negatives about the past.
“Never” is used for negative responses.
When used in “Perfect Tenses”, we rarely refer to exact time.
These adverbs can also be used in simple tenses as well as perfect.
Here are a few examples to study.
Examples with present perfect tenses...
Q: Have you ever been to Mexico? A: No, I haven’t or Yes, I have.
Q: Have you ever eaten sushi? A: Yes, I have or No I haven’t.
Q: Have you ever ridden a motorcycle? A: No, I haven’t or Yes, I have.
Here are examples with present simple...
Q: Do you ever read? No, I never read or Yes, I do.
Q: Do you ever dream of the past? No, I never do or Yes, I do.
Q: Do you ever eat pizza on Fridays? Yes, I do or No, I don’t.
Here are some word definitions. Check your dictionary for more!
Combination: Two or more put together.
Mexico: A country south of The USA.
Motorcycle: A motorized form of transportation.
Read: To study a written article.
Dream: To have experiences while we sleep.
Pizza: Food prepared with dough and toppings.
Ask your teacher to explain this subject further!
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About the author. Billgreen54 is an ESL tutor, writer and publisher. Helping others better understand the English language is a daily life adventure. Bill and Larisa share lives knowledge helping others achieve individual, family, employment and life goals. Share your knowledge with others. Watch them prosper and pass along their lives adventures with friends and family.