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Advice to Mrs. Meminger: Exploration of "The Book Thief"

Published on Sep 09, 2016

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Advice to Mrs. Meminger

Exploration of "The Book Thief"
Photo by Jo Naylor

Paula Meminger

My Important Advice to Her
Photo by Daniel Y. Go


  • P.A.C.T.
  • Advice
  • Reason of Importance
Photo by Fefa Guerra

P.A.C.T. =


  • Werner Meninger died
  • Liesel is separated from her mother
  • Liesel sends her mother letters
  • There is no reply
Photo by Jeremy Brooks

Plot: Quotes

  • "...the boy didn't make it...her brother, Werner, was buried..." (Pg 19 & 22)
  • "...There was the chaos of goodbye...the girl's head buried into the woolly...shallows of her mother's coat. There had been some more dragging..." (Pg 25 & 26)
Photo by Lorenzoclick

Plot: Quotes

  • "...She (Liesel) would gather all.. the... letters to her mother...and...mail it..." (Pg 98)
  • "...Against all hopelessness, Liesel still checked the mailbox..." (Pg 101)
Photo by Lorenzoclick


  • Desperate
  • Heartbreaking
Photo by VinothChandar

Atmosphere: Quotes

"...Liesel was sure her mother carried the memory of him, slung over her shoulder. She dropped him. She saw his feet and legs and body slap the platform. How could that woman walk? How could she move?.."

(Pg 25)

Photo by harry harris

Atmosphere: Quotes

"...Her mother was constantly sick and there never enough money to fix her. Liesel knew that. But that didn't mean she had to accept it..."

(Pg 32)

Photo by Ian Sane

S. T. E. A. L.

CHARACTER- Mrs. Meminger
Photo by tim caynes

Paula Meminger:
Flat & Static

Photo by bovinity

Few Facts on Paula...

  • "...There was...one thing she knew about her father...'Communist'..." (Pg 31)
  • "...What's she doing writing to her mother?...She should just forget her. Who knows where she is? Who knows what they've done to her?..." (Pg 95)
Photo by bovinity

Mrs. Meminger:

"...the foster care office had lost contact completely with Paula Meminger..."

(Pg 101)

Photo by bovinity


  • Humble
  • Thankful
Photo by Marc Wathieu

CHARACTER: Speech- Quotes

  • "...Liesel's mother started leaving with the priest. She was thanking him for his performance of the ceremony..." (Pg 22)


  • Selfless
  • Realistic
  • Knew that it was truly goodbye
Photo by Daniel Y. Go

CHARACTER: Thoughts- Quotes

  • "...I think her mother knew this quite well. She wasn't delivering her children to the higher echelons of Munich, but a foster family had apparently been found, and if nothing else, the new family could at least feed the girl...and educate them properly..." (Pg 25)
Photo by Michael Vesia

CHARACTER: Effect on Others

  • Liesel felt abandoned & alone
Photo by Neal.

CHARACTER: Effects on Others- Quotes

  • "...No matter how many times she was told she was loved, there was no recognition that the proof was in the abandonment..." (Pg 32)
  • "...Her mother abandoned her..." (Pg 151)
Photo by basheertome


  • Panicked when son died
  • Gave daughter to foster family
Photo by Leo Reynolds

CHARACTER: Actions- Quotes

  • "...There was a woman wailing. A girl stood numbly next to her. In panic, the mother opened the door..." (Pg 22)
  • "...She wasn't delivering her children to the higher echelons of Munich, but a foster family had apparently been found..." (Pg 25)
Photo by FriaLOve


  • Bony and pale
  • Haggard & unhealthy

CHARACTER: Looks- Quotes

  • "...Both were skinny and pale. Both had sores on their lips..." (Pg 24)
Photo by megan anne k


  • Sometimes to love someone means you have to abandon them
Photo by Ardinnnn :)

Theme: Quotes

  • "...Nothing changed the fact that she was a lost...child in another foreign place, with more foreign people. Alone..." (Pg 32)
  • "...It's the leftover humans...the ones who are left behind, crumbling among the jigsaw puzzle of realization, despair, and surprise..." (Pg 5)
Photo by bindermichi

Important Advice to Mrs. Meminger:

Leave your daughter a letter or note before you give her away. (pass it to foster care office)

Photo by twinnieE

Importance of Advice

  • Explain Actions
  • Liesel's past (how family lived before they were torn apart)
  • Answer some of Liesel's questions.
  • Give Liesel Closure