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A.E Robinson Richard Cory

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Richard Cory

edwin arlington robinson

e.a. robinson early life

  • Born and raised in New England
  • family suppressed his love for the arts
  • Supposedly destined for an occupation in the field of buisness or science
  • Father sent him to Harvard where poems were initially published in local magazines
The lifestyle in which Robinson grew up living was what seemed to be a very high class and pressure society.
His father's wealthy standings suppressed Robinson's creative side into a more business directed life.
although his father did not appreciate the arts, he was still encouraged to write at an early age from his neighbor.
- many people say that his poetry reflected his personal experience.
- living in the high pressure society came with many failures which he revealed in his work.

how early life related to his work

  • Went through many failures while in Boston
  • Damaged his self esteem through rejection
  • Carried over into the themes of his work
1.) he described his pile of rejection letters as “one of the largest and most comprehensive in literary history.”
2.) Themes that were prominent;
-personal failure
-inevitability of chance

middle aGE

  • Suffered from rejection; first manuscript
  • Harry Thurston Peck- gave negative/constructive criticism.-"too grim"
  • published second manuscript as a comeback
he attempted these other pieces of work as a sort of come back from his last failure. little did he know that this too would lead to his temporary downfall

Middle Age continued

  • 2nd manuscript "Children of the night"=not successful
  • Published Captain Craig=not successful
Robinson believed that his manuscript "children of the night" was not successful because it was published by a vanity printing press. He believed that this was the cause of peoples ignorance of his work… because the name that printed it wasn't big.
-Captain Craig was sort of a redemption of a redemption. Explanation: He tried to blame his misfortune on the low popularity and not well known printing press but this time there was no excuse.
-He published Captain Craig through a more well known publisher, Houghton Mifflin- whom he gained because he was a family friend. but still not popular or critical success

Effects of Failures

  • Robinson Neglected Poetry
  • lost love for writing
  • started looking for different jobs
  • took to drinking
  • affected later poetry
entering his dark depression stages. Tilbury town is born

Themes Presnt in work

  • personal failure
  • materialism
  • inevitability of change
  • dark view of society

Tilbury Town is Born

  • appears through work as a realism setting:
  • Life isn't always what it seems
  • You don't always get what you want
  • place of darkness
  • First appears in "John Evereldown"
John Evereldown, out late at night, is called back to the house by his wife, who is wondering why he wants to walk the long cold miles into town. He responds, “God knows if I pray to be done with it all/But God’s no friend of John Evereldown./So the clouds may come and the rain may fall,/the shadows may creep and the dead men crawl,—/But I follow the women wherever they call,/And that’s why I’m going to Tilbury Town.”

pressure from the lower people and society related to his dad in real life.

Richard Cory

  • Makes question values in life
  • money vs. happiness
  • being what you want to be vs. what someone else wants you to be.
Tilbury town brings us to Richard Cory. Which is one of the other poems written in the interval that Tilbury Town appeared

Stanza 1

  • Whenever Richard Cory went down town, We people on the pavement looked at him: He was a gentleman from sole to crown, Clean favored, and imperially slim.

Stanza 1 analysis

  • established setting
  • homeless unemployed/beneath him
  • businessman /well put together
  • imperially=associated w/ leadership or ruler
  • crown=metaphor for royalty=above
By starting off by saying “Whenever Richard Cory went down town” it is establishing the setting in a lower part of the area.
- relates back to his phase of Tilbury Town in the darkness

Stanza 2

  • And he was always quietly arrayed, And he was always human when he talked; But still he fluttered pulses when he said, "Good-morning," and he glittered when he walked.

Stanza 2 Analysis

  • arrayed=put together or organized in a fashion
  • human= not God or flawed/not perfect
  • fluttered pulses-hint that something is not all there
when i saw something is not all there i mean that there is something missing in him as a person. it is like something isn't right. maybe it wasn't a good morning that day. or he is still recovering from the night before. usually a hint that someone is unhappy.

stanza 3

  • And he was rich—yes, richer than a king And admirably schooled in every grace: In fine, we thought that he was everything To make us wish that we were in his place.

stanza 3 analysis

  • keeps referencing authority.
  • high pressure society/ people expect a lot from educated
  • everything isn't always what it seems
  • pressure to live up to people's standards
the line" to make us think that we were in his place" is one of those lines that really sticks out and helps outline the meaning behind the story. you can try to fake being happy and try to make people want to be in your place or envy you, put you will never be satisfied from that.
-too much pressure from the people looking up to him.
-expecting greatness from well educated man
admirably schooled= relating to his personal life

stanza 4

  • So on we worked, and waited for the light, And went without the meat, and cursed the bread; And Richard Cory, one calm summer night, Went home and put a bullet through his head.

stanza 4 analysis

  • common people stuck through their pain and struggles
  • RC caves to society
  • money can't buy happiness
  • too high of standards can lead to downfall if not strong enough
Richard Cory, or really Edwin Robinson reads so much more into his self proclaimed problems that he should. such as standards and money. the common people who are suffering for bread and meat and waiting until the sun comes up are truly the ones with the struggles yet the rich man is the one to fall to the pressure of society. it is a strange comparison of the two different sides. because here we get the point of view from a laymen, where everything the man does looks so good. it is a testament to character how richard cory looks at life and it is funny how some peoples burdens are others dreams. how can someone have so much money and education yet still be unhappy.
loneliness. he spent his whole life leading up to his career and all it has gotten him is a social standard too big for his feet and no one to love and no real relationships. he has wasted his life trying to gain material things rather that the values that really matter.