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Aerospace Engineer

Published on Oct 11, 2016

What it means to be an aerospace engineer and how to get there


Aerospace Engineer

By: Jose Jaime Mendez Medina

About Job

  • Perform Engineering duties
  • Design
  • Construct
  • Test missles and aircraft
  • Conduct Reaserch
Photo by kevin dooley

What Do They Do

  • Make Models
  • Experimental Test in environment
  • Evaluate Product data
Photo by bre pettis

Education Required

  • High School Diploma
  • 4 yr. Bachelors Degree
  • Core classes in Math, Chemistry, and Engineering
Photo by sickmouthy


  • Business Casual (not in field)
  • Natural Fibers (In Field)

Advancement Opportunities

  • Entry Level ($69,904)
  • Senior Level ($105,000)
Photo by Alan O'Rourke

Employment Outlook

  • Steadily improving the number of jobs
  • Expected job rate to increase from 2008-2018 7%-13%
  • Degrees for aerospace engineers are increasing
Photo by ccPixs.com


  • In 2015 California Employees made an average
  • $116,500
  • most making from $67,500 to $170,500
Photo by aresauburn™

Why is it of interest to me

  • It combines two big interest of mine
  • Space/Airplanes and Engineering
  • Uses Technology
Photo by 13desetembro