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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by Roman Betík

The african continent has always inspired the rest of the world with its unique culture and roots in human origin.

Photo by sdhaddow

Scientists believe that Africa was the birthplace of mankind. In 5,000 BC farming had spread to North Africa. People herded cattle and they grew crops. At that time the Sahara Desert was not a desert. It was a green and fertile land that gradually grew drier and became a desert.

In 3200 BC writing was invented in Egypt and they made tools out of bronze, Egyptian civilization that spread to Africa was cut off by the Sahara Desert. Africa was also hampered by its lack of good harbors, which made transport by sea difficult.

The use of iron spread to North Africa by 600 BC it gradually spread south and by 500 AD, it reached South Africa.Egypt s influence spread to Sudan. Egypt then became a province of Rome and by the rest of Africa was cut of from Rome by the Sahara

Photo by The Ridg

In 642 Arabs conquered Egypt. In 698-700 they took Tunis & Carthage and soon they controlled all of the coast of North Africa. The Arabs were Muslim & soon the whole coast of Africa converted to Islam except Ethiopia which remained Christian but it was cut off from Europe by Muslims.In 800 AD kingdoms emerged in North Africa and traded with the Arabs luxury goods and salts. In return they purchased gold & slaves from Africa

One of the early kingdoms was Ghana( included parts of Mali & Mauritania & Modern Ghana). By 9th century Ghana was called the land of gold. However Ghana was destroyed in the 11th century by Africans from the north. By 11th century the city of Ife in Southwest Nigeria was the capital of a great kingdom but in the 16th century it began to decline.Another african state was Benin which was rich & powerful. Meanwhile the kingdom of Mali was found in the 13th century. By 14th century Mali became rich, the city Timbuktu was a busy trading centre but the kingdom was destroyed by Soghai in 16th century

Photo by tanakawho

Soghai was a kingdom in east of Mali on River Niger, it reached its peak in 1500 AD, however in 1591 they were defeated by the Moroccans and their kingdom broke up. Another great North African state was Kanem-Bornu located near Lake Chad. Organized kingdoms was form in Southern Africa. 1430 stone buildings were built at Great Zimbabwe. Meanwhile Ethiopia flourished, church of St. George was built in 1200. The Portuguese were exploring Africa , in 1431 they reach Azores, in 1445 they reached the mouth of River Congo. Finally in 1428 Portuguese sailer around the Cape of Good Hope.

HISTORY: 1500-1800
In 16th century Europeans transported African slaves across the Atlantic. Slavery was nothing new in Africa. For centuries Africans had sold other Africans to the Arabs as slaves.In the 18th century ships from Britain took manufactured goods to Africa. They took slaves from there to the West Indies and took sugar back to Britian(Triangular Trade). Some Africans were sold into slavery because they had committed a crime. However many slaves were captured in raids by other Africans. Europeans were not allowed to travel inland to find slaves instead Africans brought slaves to the coast

Photo by plaits

HISTORY: 1500-1800
In 16th century, Turks conquered most of North African coast. In 1517 they captured Egypt and in 1556 most of the coast was in their hands. Further South Africans built powerful kingdoms. The empire of Kanem Bornu bought guns from the Turks.
Europeans then found their first colonies in Africa, the Portuguese in 16th century settled in Angola & Mozambique while in 1652 the Dutch founded a colony in South Africa.

In 19th century European states tried to stop slave trade. Britain banned the slave trade in 1807. On the other hand in the late 19th century Europeans colonized most of Africa!

Photo by @Doug88888

Anglo Zulu War- a war fought in Zulu land to claim its lands, it was between the British and the Zulu Kingdom in 1879. Britain had 1,200 men while Zulus had 12,000 men. It was an embarrassing defeat for the British.

First Anglo- Boer War
This was a war between the British and the descendants of the Dutch settlers to keep control of South Africa against British invasion in 1880. The South African Republic was victorious

Photo by Etrusia UK

Second Anglo-Boer War
This was the second war between the dutch settlers and the british in 1899. The British suffered a second defeat. This ended up South Africa being a colony of British

Photo by cluttercup

1)To get hold of important points on the route to India- Suez Canal, the Cape and parts of the West
2) Getting hold of areas that are useful settling land

3) Raw materials: Diamonds, gold, rubber, cotton, corn, copper and vegetable oil.
4) Slaves, slaves were bought from mostly local tribes in for men, women & children.

Photo by Dannymx

The British took the dutch colony in South Africa. The French then invaded Northern Algeria, the Germans took Namibia, Togo, Cameroon and Tanzania. Belgium took over Democratic Republic of Congo. The french took Madagascar and Morocco, the Italians took Libya. By 1914 the British took control of Egypt & African was in the hands of Europeans except for Ethiopia and Liberia. British took Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Uganda & Kenya

Angola & Mozambique remained Portuguese. In the early 20th century In Africa churches provided schools and increasing numbers of Africans became educated. They became impatient for independence. Movement of independence became unstoppable in late 1950s and 1960s. In the early 21st century Africa began to boom. Today economies of African countries are growing rapidly, Africa is developing rapidly and there is every reason to be optimistic.

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Photo by garryknight