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African Wild Dog

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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African Wild Dog

By: Sydney
Photo by Lip Kee


  • The dogs are mostly found in southern and eastern Africa
  • Packs live in swamp areas, deserts, woodlands and MT forests
  • Packs also live in grassy savannahs
  • They are found in the upland forest of the Bale Mountains in Ethiopia
  • Each pack's home range may be as large as 600 sq. miles
Photo by angela7dreams

Animal Characteristics

  • Each dog has its own unique pattern on its coat
  • Large, rounded ears help radiate heat from dogs body
  • The muzzle is short and broad, enabling the large jaw muscles
  • Each foot only has 4 toes. The "thumb" or dew claw is missing
Photo by ben.hollis


  • Some prey are impala, gazelles, and young wildebeest
  • Other prey are zebras sometimes
  • Selects old, weak or injured animals
  • It is a lightweight hunter that specializes in relatively large prey
Photo by sambukot

Adaptations to survive

  • They run 30 MPH for 3 miles or more
  • The dogs rip their victim apart to eat large animals
  • They approach the prey in a tight bunch, then charge
  • A female dog has up to 19 pups, 10 pups is more usual
Photo by Jeff Kubina