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Ag Revolutions

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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3 Agricultural Revolutions

Agriculture Across Time
Photo by VinothChandar

3 Revolutions of Agriculture

  • Neolithic Revolution (about 10,000 years ago)
  • Industrial Revolution (1600-1900)
  • Green Revolution (1950's through today)
Photo by marfis75

Neolithic Revolution

  • Started at multiple spots (hearths) around the world
  • Nomadic hunter-gatherers settled into communities
  • Crop cultivation (Seed and Vegetative Agriculture)
  • Animal Domestication (Breeding to not live wild)
Photo by Orin Zebest

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Effects of 1st Revoultion

  • Reliable food supply (food storage)
  • Rapid increase in population (Stage 2)
  • Job Specialization
  • Distinction between nomads and settlers

2nd Revolution

Mirrored Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution

  • Started in Europe- Late 1600s
  • New Techniques- Crop Rotation,
  •  New Technolgoy- Seed Drill, Tractor
  • These brought increased crop yields
  • Crops from the Americas- easy to grow

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Better Transportation

  • Could get crops to market faster 
  • Could get goods to further places
  • Allowed for industries to develop
  • Market Areas Exapand (Von Thunen)
Photo by Mr Jaded

Effects of 2nd Revolution

  • Less labor needed to produce more
  • Increased food production/population
  • Larger farms/More land can be farmed
  • Brought Urbanization- farmers moved to city
Photo by bill barber

3rd Revolution

Green Revoultion
Photo by wiselywoven

Green Revolution (1950-Now)

  • Started to end world hunger
  • Scientists create:
  • Seeds that yield more (Rice, Corn)
  • Synthetic fertilizers 
  • Better pesticides

Effects of the 3rd Revolution

  • Allows for major population increase
  • Essentially stops world hunger (poverty)
  • Health and environmental damage
  • Debate about GMO (Genetic Modified Organism)


Are we better off now?