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Against Genetic Testing

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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What is genetic testing?
- Genetic testing identifies changes in chromosones, genes, or proteins

- Scientists will take a sample of hair, blood, skin, etc. Then have it tested for specific changes that occur with the suspected disorder
- Another way is to replace some of your unhealthy genes with
Someone else's healthy genes

Problems with Testing

-The knowledge of the testing is limited, and is not always reliable

Issues with Curing the Disorder
- Scientists could mess up the gene even more
- "Hit or Miss"
- The cure could be short lived
- If the disorder has affected you badly enough, there is nothing they can do to help

Article- Testing Times
-different companies provide different results for the same person
-leads customers to false steps in treating an illness they do not have
- $999.00 for a spit test, that may not be accurate

- it is unpredictable
- it can go horribly wrong
- there may not be a cure
- very high in price with little to do if diagnosed

EBSCO.com. Testing Times.Donna Dickman.2014. 2,11.14