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Age Of Exploration

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Photo by wili_hybrid

My name is Evan Delano and i am a merchant who is looking to go to the new world. I have a great eye for gold and many other goods. I also have a gift for finding things that other people cannot find or have not found yet.

The reason I am going on this voyage is to find things in the new world that people have not found yet. Since not many people have been to the new world their can be many intriguing things that I can find. For example their is probably an abundence of gold and silver there. This gold and silver that I am going to find can be brought back here to you and sold. However I would like to keep some of it because I found it. Another reason that I am going on this trip is to try and start new trade routes. If you send me with spices and silk I can garentee you that I will be able to bring home more gold. They do not know how much these things are worth also so I may be able to play them with the cost.

This is the Part where you come in handy. I am going ot need some supplies to make it their and do my work. The most important thing is a decent sized shipso Ican fit al my goods and crew. The second thing I need is a captain so he can sail the ship because I do not know how. We will need some silverwher so we can eat lke normal human beings. The fourth thing we will need is all kinds of food to get us there. I am briging my crew, but some people from the army would be ice just incase we need them. Some weapons for the army people and self defense. Another thing we could use are some horses and carriages so we can get around without having to walk everywhere. Supplies for digging like, shovels, brushes, and pics so we will be able to find goods without hurting them.

We may face many challenges while we were there and during our ride. On the way there may be some pirates that we will have to fight off so cannons on the ship would be nice. There may be natural disasters and that happen and there is nothing we can do about that because it can take over the ship. Once we get there we may have to fight off some Indians or puritans, but with the army and the natives that should be no problem. We ould run low on food, but we know how to fish and hunt so we should be alright.

Photo by barryskeates

The cultures that we will most likely run into are the Indians. They are all over the place in the new world. If we can get on the Indians good side then they will be able to help us get around the new land. Another group of people we may run into are all the other people who came to the new land, but we are going to try to be stealthy and not let them see us.

Photo by Puzzler4879

My voyage may be able to impact people in several ways. The first and biggest way is that we may be able to bring christianity over to the Indians. We also will most likely be able to trade spices and silk because they do not have any of that. Also we may be able to trade some of our weapons for some gold because they dont have any. They can use these weapons as a better way for hunting.

"It happened...that a spaniard saw an indian...eating a piece of flesh taken from the body of an Idian who had been killed". This was when Cortez was in the americas and he saw an Indian eating another Indian. This shows that they did extreme things for food unlike all the Europeans.

This is a painting of the Puritans when they were coming to the new land. In the backround you can see the ship and that is probably the one they came over on. Then all the goods that are on the beach is another sign that they just came over on the ship in the backround.

This painting is anther painting of of the puritans landing on the new world. They are taking the small boats over to the lans because the big ship cannot fit.

This is the route that we hope to follow, but we may not follow the exact route.

Bibliography Works Cited
"Age of Exploration." About.com Geography. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2014.
"Chapter 19-20." Wold History Patterns of Interactions. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Print.
"A History of Boston, MA." - BostonSmarts.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2014.
Macnutt, Francis A. "Letters of Cortez." Letters of Cortez. N.p., 1908. Web. 19 Mar. 2014.
Shmoop Editorial Team. "New England Puritans & Pilgrims Photos." Shmoop.com. Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 19 Mar. 2014.