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Aged Care in Australia

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Aged Care Services in Australia

by Nikhil Ravinder
Photo by simaje

System of Aged Care in Australia

  • Australian aged care system provides a range of care options
  • Care begins with low level Community care at home.
  • Person then continues to be residential aged care facility
  • Respite care is a residential aged care facility
Photo by simaje

Types of Community Aged Care packages

  • Community Aged Care package
  • Extended aged care at home
  • Extended aged care at home dementia
Photo by { pranav }

Types of Residential aged care

  • Respite care- offers casual residential care
  • Permanent care-High level care to people who cannot live at home
Photo by classic_film

Aged Care Sector

Legislation-Aged care reform

  • Legislation replaces five existing acts
  • Aged care homes will no longer be able to reject people who are gay.

Ethical Principles

  • People with advanced chronic conditions are treated with 
  • 1.Clinical integrity
  • 2. Respect
  • 3. Justice
  • 4. Beneficence

Codes of Practice

Committing,Recognizing,providing,treating,managing,supporting and advising 
The aim of the Code and the Guide is to set out the ethical
commitments made by the Aged Care sector in addition to its
legal obligation to comply with the Act and the Principles
made under the Act. The purpose of the Code and the Guide
is, then, to:
i. identify and set out the values that underpin the
conduct and practice of residential Aged Care services
delivered under the Act;
ii. set out the Aged Care sector’s commitment to the
provision of care in ways that fully respect fundamental
human values and its commitment to continuous
iii. identify the standards of conduct and practice, including
their ethical underpinnings, which the community,
providers, staff and residents of residential Aged Care
services can expect in relation to all areas of care
provision; and
iv. provide a basis which will enable individual
organisations to develop written protocols which will
support and inform the ways in which care is delivered
under the Code and the Guide.
Photo by orphanjones


Effects of population aging,increased longevity,socioeconomic improvements 
Photo by youngdone


increasing numbers of older Australians requiring care
• greater reliance on user contributions
• increasing emphasis on community care
• greater proportion of residents in high level care
• decreasing numbers of small residential facilities
• increasing investment by private for-profit providers.
Photo by Steve took it


  • Seven major hazards which have been identified are:
  • Slips,trips and fall
  • Resident aggression
  • plant and equipment
  • the living environment,fire,security and other emergencies
Photo by Jeff Kubina