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Agriculture Facts

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by hjl

The Federal Government predicts that Minnesota farmers will produce 1.34 billion bushels of corn this year.

Corn and soybeans are the state's top producing crops, with Minnesota ranking 3rd in soybeans and 4th in corn nationally.

There are about 4500 dairy farms in Minnesota.

The average production per dairy cow in Minnesota was 19,366 pounds of milk per cow in 2010.

The Minnesota dairy industry supports over 38,00 jobs in the state.

The 2012 Census of Agriculture listed a total of 2.1 million farms in the U.S.

The U.S. farmer of today produces enough food and fiber for approximately 160 people.

One acre of wheat will yield about 50 bushels and will produce over 2500 loaves of bread.

Farmers in Minnesota produce nearly 47 million chickens for consumption annually.

Southern Minnesota's growing season lasts 150 days.