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Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Photo by Weijie~

Land Of Alaska
Mt. McKinley is the highest mountain peak in North America which is located in Alaska. Mt.McKinley is 20,237 feet above sea level.Mt.McKinley was named after
the president nominee William McKinley in 1896. Wind chill temperatures on Mt. McKinley cano be as low as -118 degrees Fahrenheit. If you were to climb Mt. McKinley you could see foxes,small fish,bears,caribou,and 450 different types of flowers.

Photo by blmiers2

Alaska has about 100,00 glaciers. there are more active glaciers in the ice fields of Alaska than in the rest of the world. The largest glacier in Alaska is the Malaspina which is 850 square miles.Also 5 % of Alaska is covered in glaciers. Alaska gets a lot of their freshwater from glaciers melting. All of Alaska's glaciers empty over 50,000 billion gallons of water into their streams and rivers.

Oil and gas in Alaska is a big part of the economy. About 85% of Alaska's money comes from what they sell in oil and gas. There is a pipeline that is in Prudhoe Bay and ends in Valdez. It only takes about 6 days for it to travel to Valdez. The oil moves 5.5 miles per our in the pipe. They started building it in 1974 and finished in 1977. The pipeline is about 800 miles long.

Alaska has millions of acres of forests. They use those trees to make money. When they cut down trees they make lumber, pulp,logs,and other wood products that they sell. The Chugach is the nation's 2nd largest national forest . The forest is 4.8 million acres long. Timber is another word for wood that many people use.

Photo by blmiers2

Benny Benson or John Ben was a 13 year old boy who created Alaska's state flag.he got the idea for the flag by looking in the sky and saw the Big Dipper and the North Star. He entered it into a contest and they chose his idea. He won a cash prize that he donated to the Alaska State Museum. Everybody in Alaska knows Benny Benson.

Scott Gomez was born in Anchorage, Alaska. He was the first Native Alaskan to play in the NHL. He played for the New York Rangers, Montreal Canadians, and the New Jersey Devils. He scored around 600 goals and he still plays for the Montreal Canadians. Scott Gomez is a very famous Alaskan.

Photo by cabancreative

At the Alaska Zoo you can see many animals like tundra swans, musk ox, ringtail seals, fox and lynx. Most of the animals at the zoo were injured or alone so they came to the zoo. These animals will probably not return to the wild. The zoo also has an African and Asian elephant there. This zoo is a bis tourist attraction in Alaska.

Photo by Csutkaa

Sitka National Historic Park is Alaska's oldest federally designed park. It was established in 1910. It is a 107 acre park in a forest. It has the remains of the last major conflict between the Europeans and the Native Americans. That battle began in1804. This park is a big tourist attraction in Alaska.

Photo by Claudio.Ar

The gold rush in Alaska caused about 100,00 people to come to Klondike, Alaska wanting gold in the years 1897-1899.A lot of gold was first found on August 16,1896. Many people who wanted gold had to travel long distances to reach Alaska. Only4,000 miners found gold very soon.

Photo by Tator1982

The gold rush ended in1899,but gold was still found in Nome, Alsaka the gold was worth about 1,139,000 million dollars . A lot of people came to Alaska during the gold rush years but not everyone came back with gold.:(

IN THE YEAR 1867 The United States bought Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million dollars which is 2 cents per acre. A day after the treaty was sent by William Henry Seward it was signed and Alaska would be part of the United States. Alaska was established into the union as the 49th state on January 3,1959. Alaska does not border the U.S in any direction.

Photo by 401(K) 2013