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Alaska's Mamals

Published on Dec 18, 2015

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Alaska's Mamals

Animals that live in places that you would never really see 

Grizzly Bears
standing as tall as 8ft

Brown Bears
They range in color from dark to reddish brown to cream toned.

Grizzly Bear Cubs

cubs only grow up with their mother for 3-4 years then are left to live own

Brown Bear Cubs

born without hair and can't seet

Orcas (killer whales)

Members of the dolphine family and are mammals

Blue Whales

largest animal know to have lived on earth. They are up to 100ft & 200 tons

Caribou (Reindeer)

During migration they travel more than 600 miles


female and male moose stay together for the mating season then leave 

Dall Sheep

Way less than 300lbs

Pictures are all From Alaska The mouton is denalie mouton