This is a presentation for my media studies blog. It is about creating the second album cover from the photo shoot to the final piece after the use of photo shop.
The Photo Shoot All the photos on the following slides are all original photographs that I have taken. (Evidence of this will follow). On my blog, I will explain my choice of final photograph and in the notes here I will explain why I didn't choose the other photographs for the actual album cover.
Photo Shopping In the next slides, I will take screen-shots of what happened during the process of Photo-shopping the photo to get it to look like an Album Cover.
I opened up Adobe PhotoShop and clicked 'New'. After, I clicked 'Custom' on the paper-type. On one of my own CD's, I measured the width and length to find out the measurements, which were: 210mmx210mm.
Step 6: Add in Album Name and change font style and size
I added in the title of the album: 'HONOUR OF THE ASSASSIN' - I changed the font style to make it fancy to look like a CLASSICAL MUSIC ALBUM as it has a sophisticated and flowing look to it. I then sized it to fit along the bottom and placed it to make sure that ___________
My final design can be seen underneath the link for this presentation on my Blog. It will be seen on the Double Page Spread along the top of the second page with the other four albums.