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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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When was the drug discovered and where?

While no one knows alcohol was first used, it was presumably the result of a fortuitous accident that occurred at least tens of thousands of years ago.


Photo by jamesmelzer

Is the drug man made or grown in the wild?

Alcohol is man made through the process of fermentation. Fermentation is a form of combustion, resulting in the breakdown of carbohydrates into alcohol and carbon dioxide.


What were the original uses for the drug?

Alcohol's importance was never confined. However throughout its history, it has been used socially for many diverse purposes, such as calming feuds, giving courage in battle, sealing pacts, and celebrating festivals. In medieval Europe, its more practical roles were as a folk medicine


Photo by somegeekintn

What is it used for now?

For people who feel like they're too stressed out, shy, or nervous to have a good time in a social situation, alcohol can seem like the answer. But many people who say they drink to "loosen up" or have a good time end up so drunk that they don't even remember what they did! Drinking can give you a "buzz" when the alcohol first hits your system, but it does not make you high or happy. In fact, because alcohol is a depressant, it's likely to make you feel drowsy and down.

Is the drug legal or illegal?

You must be 21 before you can buy or drink alcoholic beverages.
It is against the law for anyone to sell or give alcoholic beverages to you or to let you drink with him or her in a bar or a store. If you borrow a driver's license or change the age on yours to show that you are over 21, you are breaking the law. Any person who gives a false ID to you is also committing a crime. You cannot lend, borrow, or alter a driver's license or other ID in any way.
http://www2.courtinfo.ca.gov/stopteendui/teens/educate/laws-regarding-drugs... (http://drinkingage.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=002591)

When was the drug made illegal?

Alcohol was first made illegal in 1920. The Prohibition.

(http://www.1920-30.com/prohibition) (http://history1900s.about.com/od/1920s/p/prohibition.htm)

Does this drug have any known/proven medical benefits?

Moderate or light drinkers have a lower chance of heart disease than people who don’t drink—30 to 50%.


What are the side effects of using this drug? (How will you feel right after use take or use them?)

After intoxication, the drinker loses judgment and self-control, their vision is impaired, their reflexes and reaction times decline. They are less sensitive to pain. Their hearing, sight, and taste are not the same as usual.

(Chapter 15. Section 2. P. 381)

Photo by Jack Rydquist

What are five negative long-term effects that come with using this drug?

Negative long-term effects of alcohol:
· Heart diseases
· Cancer (mouth, tongue, esophagus, stomach, and liver)
· Sexual and reproductive problems (impotence, fertility)
· Damage to the brain
· Liver disease and failure
(Chapter 15. Section 3. Page 387)

Photo by illuminaut

What are five negative short-term effects that come with using this drug?

Negative short-term effects of alcohol:
· Slurred speech
· Headaches
· Distorted vision
· Blackouts
· Nausea and vomiting

Photo by aerodesign.pl

Is the drug addictive?

Alcohol can be very addictive. Alcoholism and alcohol abuse are due to many interconnected factors, including genetics, how you were raised, your social environment, and your emotional health.

Book: section 3 pg. 388

What happens when the body withdraws from the drug?

Last 3 to 7 days, shakiness, sleep problems, irritability, rapid heartbeat, and sweating, see, smell, or feel objects (hallucination) medical assistance is recommended and sometimes required

Book: section 3 pg. 391

Photo by Connor Tarter

Can you overdose from using the drug?

Alcohol poisoning signs and symptoms include: Confusion, Vomiting, Seizures, Slow breathing (less than eight breaths a minute), Irregular breathing (a gap of more than 10 seconds between breaths), Blue-tinged skin or pale skin, Low body temperature (hypothermia), and Passing out (unconsciousness) and can't be awakened

Book: sections 2&3 pg. 385-387

Photo by Knight725

What happens when caught by the police using the drug?

Michigan is zero tolerance Laws make it illegal for minors to drive a vehicle with the blood alcohol content of .2% or higher the penalties for a zero tolerance conviction include fines and community service. If you are found you can face community service possible jail time and have a record. If you are over 21 .8% is allowed. Anything over is illegal and a mandatory six-month drivers license suspension is issued even for a first conviction

http://www.michigan.gov/documents/dleg/FINAL _Retail_Guide_2009_WEB_304923_7.pdf (http://www.michiganduilaws.net/michiganalcohollaws.html)

Photo by Thomas Hawk

What happens the second or third time you are caught using the drug?

For recurring offenders five days to one year of consecutive Jail time or 30 to 90 days of community service or both for a second conviction of drunk or drugged driving. A third conviction in you're a lifetime do to DUI is listed as a Felony

Book : section 2 pg. 384

Photo by marsmet534

What happens if you are caught making or selling the drug?

If you are 18 years of age you are allowed to be a bartender or serve at places that serve alcohol as long as you're not drinking. Under age drinking could get you imprisoned, fined, or both.

Book: section 1 pg. 375

Photo by D.Boyarrin

Can you get a job with the government if you are ever caught using the drug?

If you have received a DUI in the last past it can be extremely hard for you to obtain a job within the government. The same rule applies for underage drinking.


Photo by vgm8383

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