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Alex Renzetti

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Michelangelo's artwork influenced modern times through...
1. religion of Christianity to be portrayed easily and understood by others
2.Mixing color, perspective, detail, and motion to be teached as a form of art.

By creating artwork in the sistine chapel, Michelangelo gave us an example of the differences between the figures in both the last judgement and the scenes from the first book of genesis. Also in his wonderfully sculpted Pieta, he not only shows us the authentic realism in the movements of the body as if frozen in time, but is also telling us the story of Mary after Christ has died for our sins. We can see and understand both of these pieces easily due to Michelangelo's detailed form of art in which we see used today in people's own way when creating there own representations.
Photo by Will Humes

Reason/Quote #1
Religion of Christianity being portrayed easily and understood.
" Michelangelo presented us with God's plan to redeem a fallen mankind...The figures in the last judgment are ill-proportioned, and they assume ugly awkward poses. Christ appears not as a redeemer, but as an angry judge."

"In the 9th and 10th centuries, during the Middle Ages, this scene was often represented on the doorways of churches so that you had a frightening image of the day of judgment on your way in to church."

By illustrating these figures in different ways between the last judgement and the first scenes in the book of genesis. We can see this difference in how Michelangelo wanted to portray the emotions and gracefulness of the figures, or lack of in some cases. By illustrating the last judgement figures ugly and awkward we can easily see the chaos and fear in the scene more easily which is why this was put at the exit of the church to give those who leave an example of their fait and to not be a sinner.

Photo by Erman Akdogan

Reason/Quote #2
Mixing color, perspective, and movement to create a new form of art still used today.

"In the Sistine Chapel Ceiling frescoes, for instance, he came over time to develop a new more dramatic and monumental style, characterized by tension and heavily muscled figures."

Michelangelo developed this technique to better portray the figures on the ceiling and in the last judgement. By doing this he provided us with a new form of detailed artwork that is very often used today in peoples own styles.

Important Info

  • Father opposed him being an artist
  • Learned stone carving and fresco painting in Florence
  • Sistine chapel wall are constantly restored
  • His fear was to go to hell, cause he was near the end of his life
His father opposed him of being an artist due to it being apart of lowly occupations.

The reason that Michelangelo feared going to hell cause he was nearing the end of his life, we can see in this part of the last judgment that he painted himself on the skin of Saint Bartholimue. Also it shows himself hanging carefully above the ferry that transports the sinned to hell, and Saint Bartholimue is holding the skin very nonchalantly, so if he just dropped it Michelangelo would land there and go to hell.

Many famous artworks he created were worked into advertisment, tv shows, and other forms of art. Most developed from the famous Creation of Adam.

Most of these are parodies, but even those were inspired by both Michelangelo's painting, and the illustration or film they're making fun of.


Here I will show some pictures of examples in how Michelangelo's creation of adam influenced advertisement.
Photo by alanosaur

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This is one example of advertisement for lays potato chips.

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Here is another form of advertisement that is for a univeristy.


Here I'll show pictures that were created for various movies inspired by Michelangelo's creation of adam.

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Here is an example that someone made referencing to starwars

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This is an example of how it was formed into movies, like here in the lion king.


For my last two pictures i'll show how michelangelo's painting helped to creat these two parodies of tv shows some of us may watch today.
Photo by Carbon Arc

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These last two, show some tv show references from adventuretime and the simpsons.

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Sculpture, the 1st of arts, delights a taste
Still strong:each act, each limb, each bone
Are given life and lo, man's body is raised,
Breathing alive, in wax or clay or stone
But oh, if time's inclement rage should waste,
Or main, the Statue that man builds alone,
It's beauty still remains, and can be traced back to the source that claims it as its own.

This is a poem that Michelangelo wrote himself, to me I see it as his perspective on artwork and what it means to creat a work of art. How it's to give life a meaningless piece of clay, or a blank canvas, create a story and life and be able to picture the creation coming to life before you.


Harris, Beth. "MIchelangelo"

Soergel, Philip. "Arts and Humanities through the eras"

Wallace, William E. "Michelangelo Buonarroti"

Sistine Chapel Ceiling paintings and Lats judgement. Photos.

Photo by Jesse757


Photo by miss mass