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Alexander's Empire

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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  • Alexander from macedonia, north of greece, kingdom of farmers and herders, looked down on by greece.
  • Alexander was the son of the macedonian king phillip


  • Alexander took over after phillip was assassinated when alexander was 20
  • Alexander was educated by aristole
Photo by Donnay


  • Alexander keeps persian bureaucratic system in place
  • As alexander conqured more land he extended his system
Photo by Taifighta


  • Alexander used experts to create roads and systems to increase trade
  • Alexander was one of thr first rulers to develope a group of experts to help plan trade routes and systems
Photo by anselm23


  • Alexanders mother told him that his father was the greek god, apollo
  • Alexander requires his subjects to lie down before him
Photo by monkeyc.net


  • Alexander tries his army with 10 years conquest
  • Alexander dies in babylon in 323 B.C.E, battle wounds, fever and illness


  • Empire centralized on powerful emperor figure, alexander
  • Alexander used already existing systems to control territory and trade
Photo by CircaSassy