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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by Len Radin

What is an oceanographer?
An oceanographer also known as oceanology and marine scientist is the branch of earths science🐳

Photo by Edgar Barany

What do oceanographers do?
Oceanographer covers a wide range of topics including marine life and ecosystems.

Photo by fabiogis50

How much money do oceanographers make?
A oceanographer makes about 40,000 to 90,000 depending on years of experience💸

Photo by Serge Melki

What education do oceanographers need?
To be a oceanographer you have to have a bachelor degree of science and a masters of science📚

The college I want to go to!

Famous oceanographers!!
1. Sylvia Earle
2. James Cameron
3. James Cook

Photo by Marcus Vegas

💜Sylvia Earle💜
Was an American marine biologist ,explorer,author and lecturer .Since 1998 she has been a national geographic explorer🐬

Photo by kqedquest

That was my presentation😃