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Alkali Metals

Published on Nov 18, 2019

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Alkali Metals

The Periodic Table 


  • Lithium,
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Rubidium
  • Cesium

3 INteresting Facts

  • Alkali metals only have 1 electrons in their outermost energy level.
  • Alkali metals are the first metals in the periodic table.
  • Alkali metals are the most reactive of all the metals.

Alkali Metals IN the real world

  • Table salts that we use everyday are made from sodium (which are alkali metals)
  • Cesium is used to make clocks and is considered one of the more accurate clocks
  • Lithium is used in batteries
Photo by Tim simpson1


ALkali Metal Element 

Physical Characteristics

  • Sodium is a silver/white metal that is softer compared to other metals.

Sodium properties

  • Atomic Number: 11
  • Atomic Mass: 22.990
  • Sodium is a metal
  • Density: 2.16 and will float in water

Sodium in the real world

  • Heat exchanger
  • Common table salts
  • Used in salts that de-ice roads during the winter

3 Interesting Facts

  • Sodium helps digest our foods
  • We lose sodium when we sweat
  • Is 2.6% of the Earths crust

Historical Facts

  • Founded in 1807
  • Isolated by Humphry Davy