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All About Me Project

Published on Nov 26, 2015

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All About Me Project

BY:Donald Despagne

NAme and birthday

  • My name is Donald Despgne
  • Born on June 18th, 1997
Photo by Emily Barney

senior goals

  • Get to class on time
  • Get no grade under a B
  • Graduate
  • Be more involved in school activities

goals after graduation

  • After graduation I plan on going on to college. 
  • I do not know which school yet.
  • I plan on studying computer science
Photo by redjar

Enjoy about the academy

  • The skills we got on traveling
  • The packing tips
  • The projects we did on the ipads
Photo by bies

plan on learning from internship

  • Leadership
  • Some connections
  • How to work hard
  • New skills
  • How to communicate better

Work Ethic

A belief in the moral benefit and importance of work and its inherent ability to strengthen character.

Work ethic to me mean the the amount and how hard you you put work into something.

Words Related

All of these are related because they have to do with a job.

They mean to me that you have to love what your doing.

Photo by wili_hybrid

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