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All The Planets

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how does the earth move?
The earth moves around the sun.
What is the earths shape?
The earth is a sphere. How do we get light and heat? The sun is so hot that it beams at the earth.
Planet earth uses satellites to get us tv and we pay nasa for our tv

Photo by DonkeyHotey

How does the moon move? The moon moves every 27.3 earth days. What are the stages of the moon? First it builds up and then breaks down

Photo by davedehetre

Why does the sun appear to move across the sky? The sun moves across the sky by the time of day. The sun has helium and energy. What does the sun look like from space? Like a big fireball
The sun has gas and plasma!!!

Photo by VinothChandar

Pluto is the smallest planet in our solar system. Pluto is a rocky planet. Pluto is the farthest planet.

Neptune is the 8th planet.
Neptune is small.
Neptune is a highly elliptical planet.
Neptune is a little smaller then Unaris

Galileo found Jupiter in 1610!
Jupiter is our biggest planet.
Jupiter is the fifth planet
Jupiter could fit 61 moons

Mercury is the closest planet to earth. Mercury appears near the sun. Mercury appears a little after the sunrise. It takes 87.9 days to get to Mercury.

Uranus is the largest planet. Uranus is the seventh planet. Uranus is the third largest planet. Uranus has five satellites.

Photo by FlyingSinger

Venus is the second planet from the sun. Venus's orbit is called an interferer. Venus appears near the sun. Venus has carbon dioxide in the air.

Photo by zAmb0ni

Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. Mars is the first "superior" planet. Mars has two moons. Mars is the easiest planet to get to.

Photo by Kevin M. Gill

Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun. Saturn is the second largest planet. Saturn is the lightest planet. Saturn is one half of the destiny of Jupiter.

Photo by FlyingSinger

Nebula is cloud dust. Nebula is made of hydrogen. Nebula is also made of ionized gases. Nebula is also made of helium