Is the repetition of consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words.
Parker plays pool on his pool table.
Simile is when you compare 2 or more unlike things using the words like or as. He eats LIKE a pig.
Onomatopoeia the use of words that sound like the noise the name... words that imitate sounds. A chain saw goes bum bum bum bum bum bum bum.
Metaphor a comparison of two unlike things without using the words like or as usually uses the words is or are. You are a skyscraper.
Idiom a phrase or expression which means something different from what the word actually says. When did he kick the bucket?
Personification is giving a non human traits, feelings, ideas,and characteristics. That tree looks sad.
Hyperbole a figure of speech using exaggeration. I could eat a horse.