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Published on Aug 19, 2016

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Modernisation Program
Photo by ITU Pictures


  • Application was created 2008-2010 - went live in march 2010
  • TEC host the application for NZCER
  • NZCER are the business owners
  • About 450 organisations signed up of which 320-330 are active users
  • There are probably a couple of thousand Org Admin and Educators and across all assessment areas NZCER get over 200K assessments each year
Photo by vgm8383

Fronde Partnership

  • Fronde designed and developed the application
  • Fronde have been involved for the more than 6 years enhancing, supporting and maintaining the applications
  • Fronde has a dedicated and experienced team with extensive technical knowledge on ALNAT

Current Application Landscape

  • The application is used by 320-330 organisation
  • Approx couple of thousand Org Admin and Educators users
  • Owned and managed by NZCER
  • Currently funded by TEC
Photo by vsz

Current Application Landscape

  • The application is used by 320-330 organisation
  • Used by approximately 2000 Org Admin and Educators (users)
  • Owned and managed by NZCER
  • Currently funded by TEC
Photo by vsz

Benefits to Organisations

  • Well used as a diagnostic tool
  • Allows for quick identification and ease of tracking assessments
  • Direct learners at Step 2 and below to learning support
  • Inform placement of learners for peer support/group work

Current Technology

  • .Net C# with .Net framework 3.5
  • SQL Server 2014
  • Web ASP pages
  • Entity Framework 4
Active Server Pages (ASP), later known as Classic ASP or ASP Classic, is Microsoft's first server-side script engine for dynamically generated web pages. ASP.
Photo by Great Beyond

Future Technology

  • .Net C# with framework 3.5
  • Angular JS and HTML 5
  • Latest Entity framework
  • SQL Server 2016
  • Refreshed design and navigation
  • New functionality

New Features

  • AWS hosted application
  • Improved item creation and maintenance module
  • Improved performance
  • Integration with other authentication providers (Ex Google)
  • Dashboards for organisations

Why upgrade ?

  • Technology stack is out of date
  • Cost of support will increase over time
  • Cost of changes and enhancements are high
  • Ability to change the application for modern devices is very limited
Photo by Great Beyond

Why Upgrade ?

  • Developer skill set to maintain old code will be harder to find
  • Ablity to add new functionality can be complex
  • Future proof application and infrastrture for the next 10 years
Photo by dno1967b

Why Upgrade ?

  • Developer skill set to maintain old code will be harder to find
  • Ablity to add new functionality can be complex
  • Future proof application and infrastrture for the next 10 years
Photo by dno1967b

Upgrade Roadmap

  • Design and Plan
  • Develop and upgrade
  • Test, refine and deploy
  • Project exception is around 4 - 5 months
  • Project Budget 350 - 400K
Photo by Joybot