A witness named Nara Capezzali came forward on November 27, 2007 to report about the murder.
On November 1, 2007 she went to sleep at about 9:30pm and has no clue what time it was when she woke up. She guessed that the time was about 11 or 11:30pm, but she doesn’t know.
She heard a noise come from the house. She looked out of the window for about a minute, but just heard the sounds of wind and leaves rustling.
A few seconds later, she heard a scream and heard two people running. One person on the metal stairs that lead out of the parking lot and the other one running towards the University for Foreigners.
She still didn’t look at the time because this was normal because there were always people making noise.
Nara couldn’t get any sleep at first because of thoughts that a person had been mugged or if a girl had been attacked.
The next day, she want to get bread at 11am and came back to police across the street from her house.
People who rented a flat from her told her that a girl was killed in the house in front of her house. The girl who was killed was Meredith Kercher.
Nara would often see Meredith pass by with books in her hands at all times. Nara remembers Meredith because one of Meredith’s lips was really large. Nara didn’t report the scream earlier because she was sick and forgot about it.