Amazing Faith

Published on Nov 18, 2016

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Amazing Faith

Luke 7: The Faith of the Centurion
Photo by Neal.

A Centurion?

Context: Oppressor, Gentile, Authority

What makes his faith 'great'?

The stages of faith

Stage 1: Seeds of Faith

Photo by Neal.

Faith in People

'a centurion's servant, whom his master valued highly' (v 2)

Faith in Testimony

'The centurion heard of Jesus and sent...' (v 3)
Photo by Elvert Barnes

Faith in the Miraculous

'...come and heal his servant' (v 3)
Photo by Artotem

Faith in 'God'

'he loves our nation and has built our synagogue' (v 4)
Photo by wmrice

Stage 2: Real Faith

Photo by gagstreet

Humble Faith

'I do not deserve' (v 6)
Photo by Close to Home

Faith in the WORD

'say the WORD my servant will be healed.' (v 7)
Photo by wili_hybrid

Amazing Faith

'When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him.' (v 9)
Photo by Neal.

Jesus will come

'So Jesus went with them.' (v 6)
Photo by infomatique

John Davies

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