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Photo by Keith Misner



Ambition is the disordered desire or desire to possess wealth, goods, possessions or objects of abstract value with the intention of treasuring them for oneself, far beyond the amounts required for basic survival and personal comfort.


provided by Oxford dictionary
Photo by seanmcgrath

Says that ambition is the Excessive eagerness to possess and acquire wealth to treasure.

Photo by KJGarbutt

Psychological dimension

Our current materialistic society generates some mirages that make us believe that only if we get them, we will be happy.

First, an uncontrollable, urgent and addictive eagerness to achieve more will lead us to "do whatever it takes to have more" and we will be able to break with essential ethical values such as integrity, honesty, generosity or altruism.

Photo by Leo Reynolds


person with ambition considers money as an ultimate goal, and this causes unnecessary deprivation, hurt people with his actions and even support humiliations in order to achieve it.

Photo by kenteegardin

Physical dimension

Photo by Rhett Wesley

Exaggeration in plastic surgeries and physical exercises can be signs of riots where people have distorted views of one's image.

Vanity is seen as an ambition that excessively fills gyms and sometimes leads people to extrapolate, submitting to the most different techniques of body modifications.

Photo by Nacho Vegas


Photo by Mira Bozhko

It is nothing new that, occasionally, in a relationship, one of them puts much more passion or feelings at stake than the other. However, at other times, one or both of the members of the relationship place too much emotional ambition on that bond.

Photo by Evan Kirby


Ambition is healthy when:
Photo by Oberazzi

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  • One develops projects and works as an engine that invites to improve, grow or progress, that is, to abandon conformism and mediocrity, and work willpower.
  • It is considered that the desired goal and the employed means to achieve it are reasonable
Photo by Paul Watson

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  • One feel the desire to overcome oneself day by day to reach further purposes.
  • It is connected to motivation and determination which are necessary to achieve goals.
Photo by Jan Kahánek


You can see the detriments of ambition

One does not take into account the damage that it can produce with one’s attitude to others.

Photo by freddie boy

How to differentiate a positive ambitious person from a negative one

An ambitious without limits is characterized by:
Photo by michael.heiss

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  • Constant pursuit of goals and increasingly difficult challenges.
  • Need to prove that he is able to get what is proposed.
  • Permanent dissatisfaction with what has been achieved, the future look.
Photo by NeONBRAND

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  • Devaluation of the achievements, nothing seems to be enough.
  • Imperious desires to beat potential competitors.
  • Uncontrollable need to always want a little more.
Photo by teliko82

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  • Condition your value as a person with the success you get.
  • Constant need to control.
Photo by Will Montague

My point of view/conclusion

Ambition for me has two points of view the bad that is when we want more and more of everything we have and we do not think about other people or the damage we may be doing. We are people who do not conform to what we have

Ambition is good, as long as it is not excessive and without limits.

thanks for your attention

Photo by Keith Misner