Ambition is the disordered desire or desire to possess wealth, goods, possessions or objects of abstract value with the intention of treasuring them for oneself, far beyond the amounts required for basic survival and personal comfort.
First, an uncontrollable, urgent and addictive eagerness to achieve more will lead us to "do whatever it takes to have more" and we will be able to break with essential ethical values such as integrity, honesty, generosity or altruism.
person with ambition considers money as an ultimate goal, and this causes unnecessary deprivation, hurt people with his actions and even support humiliations in order to achieve it.
Vanity is seen as an ambition that excessively fills gyms and sometimes leads people to extrapolate, submitting to the most different techniques of body modifications.
It is nothing new that, occasionally, in a relationship, one of them puts much more passion or feelings at stake than the other. However, at other times, one or both of the members of the relationship place too much emotional ambition on that bond.
One develops projects and works as an engine that invites to improve, grow or progress, that is, to abandon conformism and mediocrity, and work willpower.
It is considered that the desired goal and the employed means to achieve it are reasonable
Ambition for me has two points of view the bad that is when we want more and more of everything we have and we do not think about other people or the damage we may be doing. We are people who do not conform to what we have