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Amelia Earhart

Published on Nov 28, 2018

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Ameila Earhart

the birth of amelia earhart

By; aroura Griffin
Amelia was sent to a privet school.

amelia earharts family

  • mom Amelia Otis Earhart
  • dad Samuel Stanton Earhart
  • brother(s) none
  • sister(s) Grace Muriel Earhart
  • Kids none

Hyde Park Academy High School

Amelia went to school

Why was she inspierd to fly the plane?

Neta Snook

where amelia had a job(s)

red cross nurs / pilot

where amelia had a job(s)

Did Ameila Earhart havd kids or get married?

 George P. Putnam

Why did Amelia want to be the first woman to fly aroun the world?

she was inspired to fly when she was a kid.

Why did Amelia want to be the first woman to fly aroun the world?

she wanted to challenge  her self to fly

how did Amelias plane crash?

her flight was unknown 

how did Amelias plane crash?

they dont kow if her plane failed or crashed 

who discoverd the bones that might be Amelia Earharts?

Bones Discovered in 1940 Could Have Been Amelia Earhart’s