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American Dream Definition

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Photo by Cristian_RH7

Jenna Cotey
To be able to support my friends and family, to have kids, and to grow old. Also, it consists of having a stable job.

Photo by theqspeaks

Jackie Madacki
The American Dream is the opportunity for everyone to have happiness through self-sufficiency and making good decisions.

Photo by stevehdc

Jeremy Hipp
The idea that a person can prosper in America with hard-work and dedication regardless of social, political, and economic standing. To me, being realistic, it is a half-truth. There are far more variables than just work-ethic that determine a persons level of prosperity.

Photo by Cayusa

Julie Madacki
It's an ideal that people can be successful if they try hard, if they work hard, they can achieve anything. It's like when we tell kids they can be anything when they grow up, but we're obviously lying. As they grow up, they also start to realize they can't be anything. The American Dream is kinda just used as an inspiration to get people to work hard. When people believe they can be successful they're going to try.

Photo by Thomas Hawk

"This week the New York Times reported that only 64 percent of the public still believe in the American Dream, which they defined as a faith that "hard work could resort in riches."

Photo by B.K. Dewey

So What?
The American Dream is virtually unachievable. The main goal of the American Dream is to create hopeful thinking to get people to work hard. In reality people are going to stay in the social class that they were born in unless they get lucky. The American Dream is only achieved by luck.

Photo by kevin dooley

Works Cited

Hansberry, Lorraine.A Raisin in the Sun. New York: Random House, 1959. Print.

“Jackie Madacki.” Personal Interview. May 28 2016.

“Jenna Cotey.” Personal Interview. May 30 2016

Photo by @Doug88888

Works Cited

“Jeremy Hipp.” Personal Interview. May 29 2016.

“Julie Madacki.” Personal Interview. May 30 2016.

Gillon, Steven M. "Searching for the American Dream" Web log post. The Huffington Post, 17 Dec. 2014. Web. 30 May 2016.

Photo by anieto2k