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The program I attended was the American Girl program at Garland County Library. This is a once a month book discussion group. Every month a new girl is chosen to discuss.
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American Girl

Published on Nov 23, 2015

American Girl Library Program


American Girl Library Program

Rachel Epley: Garland County Library
The program I attended was the American Girl program at Garland County Library. This is a once a month book discussion group. Every month a new girl is chosen to discuss.
Photo by Portal Abras


Various American Girls covered 
A timeline of the American Girls discussed in previous meetings was posted on the wall of the library. This was a great way to remind the participants of previous meetings and a good ice breaker.

Timeline Discussion

Reviewing past American Girls
Ms. Laura Jennings, the program coordinator, began the meeting by discussing the timeline with the girls as they sat on a large carpet. The eleven participants were in the elementary and early middle school age group.

Ms. Laura Jennings

Carpet Time - Whole Group Discussion
Laura greeted each one of the participants by asking their names and favorite American Girl doll. She then showed a book which included many different pictures and discussion topics of the Great Depression time period. I was surprised by how much the girls knew.

Ration List

Time period related candies
Participants were given ration stamps and were allowed to "buy" books and candies. Some candies were even from the Great Depression era.

American Girl Books

Use your ration stamps here
Each girl received and American Girl book to take home.

Take Aways

Participants were also allowed to choose candies to spend their ration stamps on. Ms. Laura conducted this with the help of one assistant.


Scrapbook supplies
Vintage scrapbook paper, manila folders, ribbons, scissors and glue were used to make a scrapbook. This was similar to the book American Girl Kit used to keep newspaper clippings about her father. The girls enjoyed a snack a moon pies and juice while listening to big band music and working on their crafts.

Vintage scrapbook paper

After the craft was completed, one lucky girl won a mini American Girl doll to take home. A brief introduction of the next American Girl was given and the participants were dismissed.

Thank YOu!

for your time
I really enjoyed attending this program. The only modification I would add is a think/pair/share element to get the participants engaged with one another. Thank you! I hope you enjoyed my presentation.
Photo by viking_79