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American Indians During the Civil War

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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American Indians During the Civil War

Bell Work

  • Do you think Native Americans would be more likely to join sides with that Union or the Confederacy? Explain

Pre-War Issues

  • Forced removal from territory to "Indian Territory" in 1830s-40s
  • Inter-tribal divisions
  • Poverty (no annuity payments/supplies)
  • Constant threat of land removal (K-N Act made Indian Territory even smaller, illegal settlement, etc.)
  • Not granted full rights/citizenship

Choosing a Side

  • War mostly affected tribes living IN the warring states
  • Tribes understood that aligning with the losing side posed a number of risks
  • In some cases, individual tribes split to support opposing sides
  • In total, about 28,000 Amer. Indians participated in the War
Photo by Nick Sherman

In the North

  • Tribes had greater freedom to join Union or remain neutral
Photo by flightsaber

The Delaware Nation

  • 1861 - Declared loyalty to Union
  • Sent 170 of their 201 men to fight
  • Most significant contribution = Sack of the Wichita Agency (Oct. 1862)
  • Killed five Confederate agents, took $1200 in currency, 100 horses, and burned correspondence along with the Agency buildings.

The Pamunkey and Lumbee

  • Pamunkey = served on naval warships
  • Lumbee = members of North Carolina's 12th Volunteer Infantry

Company K

  • Ottawa, Delaware, Huron Oneida, Potawami and Ojibwa.
  • Major Contribution = Battle of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania
  • Captured 600 Confederate troops

Dakota War of 1862

  • Santee Sioux Uprising
  • Government failed to pay treaty money and denied Sioux supplies
  • Chief Little Crow led uprising, killing 13 American soldiers and wounding 47
  • 300 Sioux were sentenced to death. Abe approved the hanging of 38
  • No attention to the injustices American Indians faced on reservations

In the South

  • Motivation for participating = many southern tribes owned slaves
  • Ex. Choctaw alone had about 6,000 slaves in 1861
  • Part of Confederate recruitment included PROMOSE of an Indian state in the Confederate States of America as well as full citizenship and government representation for tribe members.
Photo by tncountryfan

Ely S. Parker

  • Union General (Seneca)
  • Wrote the final draft of the Confederate's Terms of Surrender

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Stand Watie

  • Confederate General (Cherokee)
  • Last Confederate General to surrender

Bell Work

  • Why was Ely S. Parker a significant American Indian figure of the Civil War?


  • Issues leading up to Dakota War of 1862
  • Examine the Dakota Expulsion Act of 1863
  • Play an interactive game

The Dakota War of 1862

  • 1640 - First encounter between French and Dakota/Sioux
  • "Sioux" is a French mispronunciation of the Ojibwe word "Nadouwesou"
  • Initially, French did little to alter Dakota way of life
  • Significant change began in 1819

Fort Snelling - 1819

  • Twin Cities, MN
  • Military and Trading Post (Dakota fought with British in war of 1812)
  • Traders and settlers flooded the area
  • Dakota were pushed further west off their land
  • A series of treaties soon followed that drastically effected the Dakota way of life
Photo by lars hammar

Significant Treaties

  • 1837 - Dakota cede all land east of the Mississippi

Significant Treaties

  • 1851 - Treaty of Traverse des Sioux and Mendota
  • Dakota cede 35 million acres
  • Promised annuity payments: 3 million over 50 years
  • Forced to sign "Traders' Paper" - turned over most cash payments to traders
  • Given a small strip of land - Reservation

Significant Treaties

  • 1858 - Treaty with the Dakota
  • Reservation is cut in half
  • Given 30 cents per acre (Real value was $5 an acre)

1863 - Dakota Expulsion Act

  • A federal law, it canceled all Dakota treaties and made it illegal for Dakota to live in the state of Minnesota.
  • This law has never been repealed.


  • Note Quiz (study your notes!)
  • Details of the Dakota War

Bell Work - Quick Write

  • In your opinion, was Abraham Lincoln a hero for saving the lives of over 260 condemned Dakota, or a villain for approving the execution for 38 of them?
  • Choose a side, provide support/reasons for your choice
  • Write for about 4 minutes


  • Read article on Dakota Expulsion Act of 1863
  • Answer reflection questions
  • Homework: A more comprehensive quick write

Weekly Extra Credit Chances

  • Once a week for the 4th quarter one student per class will have a chance to earn extra credit by participating in a fun game

This Week's Game: Rock or Roll?

  • Identify whether the picture being shown is either Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson, or a dinner roll

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  • Conclude our look at the Dakota War of 1862
  • Examine modern-day consequences of the hangings and Expulsion Act
  • Watch "Dakota 38" film
  • Answer reflection questions - homework
Photo by WarmSleepy

The Grattan Affair



  • Sioux originally lived as Woodland tribes along Upper Miss. River
  • Early 1700s - Chippewa begin to push them west
  • Separated into 3 divisions: Dakota, Nakota, and Lakota
  • Named for their dialects (Dakota = Santee, Nakota = Yankton, Lakota = Teton)

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Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851

  • Signed between US Gov and multiple Plains tribes (including the Sioux)
  • Under the treaty, Plains tribes had to: allow emigrants to safely travel West on the Oregon Trail and allow US to build roads and forts on their land
  • US would pay tribes $50,000 over 50 years and recognize native land claims
Photo by flowercat

Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851

  • Treaty brought about a brief period of peace
  • However...Crow never agreed to treaty, US failed to pay some tribes annuity payments, and US failed to keep settlers off tribal lands.
  • The loss of a Mormon's cow in the summer of 1854 would lead to the first major battle btw US and Plains tribes
Photo by flowercat

The Grattan Affair - Key Figures

  • John Grattan
  • Chief Conquering Bear
  • Red Cloud
  • William Harney
  • Little Thunder
  • As you read the passage, write the role each figure had in the conflict (notebook)
  • After reading - answer reflection Q's