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American Kestrel

Published on Feb 27, 2018

No Description


American Kestrel

Photo by vividcorvid

Reproduction rate

  • Each nest averages 4-5 eggs
  • Eggs take 26-32 days to hatch
  • Survival depends directly on the mother birds and genetics
Photo by megankhines

Life Span

  • The average life span is five years and two months.
  • Oldest recorded in wild is 11 years
  • Captive birds may live up to 17 years
Photo by @jbtaylor

Trend Data

  • The American kestrel is and has been in a widespread decline in population with little re growth

Unique Habits

  • Both female and male birds care for young
  • Male protects and finds food for family
  • Hunt during day
  • During mating season males claim territory by climbing and diving repeatedly
Photo by figllano

Food Source

  • Mostly insects
  • Invertabrates
  • Small rodents and birds
  • small snakes lizards and frogs


  • open areas
  • short ground vegitation
  • sparse trees
  • These birds can be found anywhere from Alaska and Canada to southern most South America
Photo by fr4dd


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  • Identifying: small falcon with pointed wings and a long tail male has blue gray wings and a reddish- brown back; female is reddish-brown all over. Both sexes have two. Vertical black stripes on each side of the head.
  • Habitat: open areas. Nest in tree
  • Feeding: hovers by rapidly beating wings; it also hunts from perches because of its small size of predication. The species was formerly known as a sparrow hawk
  • Conservation: Declining across much of North America, but is increasing in Nebraska. Maintain grassland, preserve trees and snags, minimize pesticide use.
  • Prey: grasshopper mouse bird. Insects small animals and nestlings