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America's Romance With The West

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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The west

CApturing our imagination since 18??
Photo by Peter Rivera


  • Art, like that of the Rocky Mountain School created the visual of the West for Americans
  • Albert Bierstadt was a key figure in this movement
  • Captured in words; Mark Twain, "dime novels"
  • Federal govt established natnl parks in 1872, with Yellowstone as the first
  • Wild West shows traveled the world (Buffalo Bill)

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"American Primitive"

  • "Cowboys and Indians" became eternal figures in Americana
  • Charles Russell and Frederic Remington shaped perception
  • Scholars like Lewis Henry Morgan and Alice Cunningham studied Indians and their culture
  • Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts even incorporated tribal lore into their programs
Photo by Al_HikesAZ

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Transforming Indian societies

  • Figures like Captain Richard Pratt and Helen Hunt Jackson advocated assimilation
  • Assimilation was designed to eradicate tribal customs "kill the Indian, save the man"
  • Boarding Schools & Dawes Act of 1887 were key tools
  • Dawes Act did not recognize tribal nationhood
  • Individuals given land if they left tribes; religions, clothing, lanuages, hair, stories banned

Ending the resistance

  • Wounded Knee (Battle or Massacre?) in 1890 was one of the last key conflicts
  • Followed the call by a Pauite prophet to participate in the Ghost Dance, and shooting of Sitting Bull
  • US military attempted to disarm the Lakota, led to a scuffle
  • Resulted in deaths of hundreds of Lakota and 25 soldiers
  • Tribes that survived, lived on undesirable land; some disappeared while others adapted (Navajo)
Photo by archangel 12

Closing the Frontier

  • Census of 1890 declared end of frontier line
  • 1893: Frederick Jackson Turner issues "frontier thesis"
  • Asserts that much of what made America, America was our constant edge of wilderness
  • Analysis has proven controversial
  • Seen as ignoring the group/govt effort involved with moving West, impact on environment and on native people
Photo by c@rljones

What would be the next frontier?