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Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Chandler Burns

Adaptations for life on land.
Body structure/build: Large shoulder and hip bones to support weight. Interlocking vertebrae to keep backbone from sagging.

Skin: The have damp skin like fish, but lack scales. Their skin is thin with numerous glands. The skin is used to breathe. An Amphibian has two layers of skin- the epidermis and the dermis.

Senses: The middle ear is very well- developed with a tympanic membrane and stapes for hearing out of the water. Can sense smells in the air by using the olfactory epithelium the lines the nose. Can detect chemicals through its skin. Sight adapts for life on land.

Breathing on land: It has paired nostrils to take in air. The amphibian has several ways to breathe (through the skin, gills, and lungs by a process called buccal pumping.

Circulation: 3 chambered heart. 2 atria. 1 ventricle. And 2 circuits (pulmonary circuit which takes blood between heart and lungs. & systematic circuit which takes blood to organs.

Excretory: Paired mesonephric kidneys for filtering blood. Aquatic amphibians release nitrogenous waste as ammonia. Terrestrial amphibians excrete the waste through urea. Waste can be stored in bladder.

Description of habitat:
-Remain closely tied with water.
-They have a variety of habitats such as; terrestrial, forest, arboreal, freshwater ecosystems.
-They can also live in the backyard, a spring, a forest, a river, woodlots, lakes, ponds, bogs, marshes, swamps, or farm land. They live in these types of areas to be close to water to lay eggs.

10 Digestive Organs
Large mouth with jaws & tongue for catching and eating prey. They have a complete digestive system, including a pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, & large intestine. They have a pancreas to secrete digestive enzymes, and a liver/ gallbladder to help secrete bile.

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