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Amur Leopards...

Published on Mar 22, 2016

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Amur Leopards...

Photo by digitalART2

How they got endangered:

  • Amur Leopards are one of the most endangered cat species.
  • One of the reasons why they are endangered is because, in 1999, an undercover investigation company was selling the Amur Leopard's skin for $500 and $1,000.
Photo by smerikal

How Many?

There are only 30 Amur Leopards left in the wild.
Photo by Wolves68450

How You Can Help

Go to the website: http://phoenix.vl.ru/.
Photo by keirstenmarie

Where they live:
Amur Leopards live in mild forests of Far Eastern Russia.

How Amur Leopards Look

  • Amur Leopards have fur that can grow up to 7.5 centimeters long in the Winter.
  • An Amur Leopards rosettes (spots) are wide - spaced and larger then those seen on other leopards.
  • Their tongue have hooks/rasps called denticles, which are used to scrape off the meat of its prey.
Photo by ianduffy

What Do Amur Leopards Eat?

  • Amur Leopards usually eat a majority of types of deer.
  • Some include: Roe Deer, Red Deer, and Sika Deer.
  • Besides from Deer, Amur Leopards also eat, Wild Boar, Hares, Badgers, etc.
Photo by Eric Kilby

How Fast?

Amur leopards can run p to 37 miles per hour.


  • Amur leopards are called the "rarest cats on Earth," since they are endangered.
  • They live further north than any other subspecies of leopards.
  • Amur leopards can leap 10 feet vertically
Photo by wildphotons


By, Rachelle Allas