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an awsome triceratops

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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an awsome triceratops

by yuliza padilla
Photo by ishootreno

table of cotents

  • what is a fossil 
  • How are fossils formed?
  • What did Triceratops look like?
  • What did Triceratops eat and how?
Photo by FrenchKheldar

What is a fossil?

In Mr.Fenn's class we are learning about fossils.One thing I know is that a fossil could be a droping eggs or foot prints.Another thing I know is that fossils could be smooth,hard,dirty or bumpy.Last thing I know about fossils are fossils are the remains of plants and animals that lived millons of years ago.These remains are usually preserved in rock.Now you know what I learned in Mr.Fenn's class.

Photo by LukeDetwiler

How are fossils formed?

In Mr.Fenn's class were learning how to form a fossil.One thing I know about how fossils were formed is they could be formed out of mud.Another thing I know about how fossils were formed I know most of the fossils were formed under the sea .Last thing I know about how fossils are formed by smuching the animals when there died you smush it.It will turn to a rock fossil .clearly now you know how fossils were formed.

Photo by cobalt123

What did triceratops look like?

One feature about it's body is that it had two long horns and a short horn on its skull.There was also a large frill is a giant bone.its on the back of its head.Another feature about its body is he had big toes like monster toes.It had long rows of teeth and four sturdy legs.It also had a big beak.It had powerful jaws and muscles and a short heavy tail.Triceratop is a huge round dinosaur he had cheeks like a hipopotumus cheeks and some teeth that were super long .Now you know what the triceratop look like.

Photo by mr172

What Did Triceratops Eat and How?

The Triceratops ate plants, leaves and bushes. It also ate it by crunching the leaves to little pieces before it swallowed it. It ate grass and cycade which is a kind of plant. It ate it with its tough beak, its cheeks and also teeth. It would also use its horns to tip over taller trees. It also had a deep narrow beak so they could grab food. Clearly, now you know what a Triceratops ate and how it ate it.

Photo by N G M


  • Droppings.......poop
  • Cycades.......a kind of plant 
  • Frill.......a kind of bone 
  • Fossil.......a part of an ancient animal
  • Narrow.......less wide 
Photo by Ryan Somma