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An Overview on Knowledge Transfer

Published on May 13, 2016

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Knowledge Transfer

Why does Knowledge Transfer important?

Photo by darcyadelaide

Impossible to know everything

Photo by Halans

New knowledge emerges everyday

Photo by m_shipp22

Not all knowledge transfer is beneficial

There are costs of transferring knowledge
The key is "effective" transfer.
Photo by monkeyc.net

More effective transfer

There are costs of transferring knowledge
This is the objective
Photo by Alan O'Rourke

A typical "Transfer" is

To move something from one place to another

To move knowledge from the source to the receiver

Knowledge Transfer is an human act.
Photo by Ewa Rozkosz

What do we need to transfer knowledge

Photo by Stéfan

Knowledge Owner


Knowledge Recipient

Photo by e.r.w.i.n.

The Knowledge

Photo by ssri

The Channel

Photo by Ian Aberle



What make "knowledge transfer" special

Knowledge won’t disappear after transfer

You can share it again and again and again
Photo by marfis75

The final product can be different

Subjects to context and individual's interpretation
Photo by syder.ross

Transfer can be Direct

Human to Human
Direct transfer is more effective (Mahesh & Suresh 2004) and preferred (Schacht & Mädche 2013)
Photo by 713 Avenue

Or Indirect

Human to Medium to Human
But sometimes can be a bit slow (Alavi & Leidner 1999) and lacks the scalability compare to indirect transfer (Mahesh & Suresh 2004), not to mention that direct transfer may not always be available when needed.
Photo by pollas

What influence knowledge transfer

Photo by quinn.anya


Difficult to move and reuse under different settings
Knowledge stickiness is defined as the degree of difficulty to move knowledge from its original source to its receiver (Andersen 1999; Li 2012).

The importance of stickiness is that knowledge used within organisations for different tasks can be difficult and costly to acquire, transfer and reuse under different settings (Andersen 1999).

Photo by mandydax

Absorptive capability

Recognition, assimilation and application
Absorptive capability of a person affects how well the captured knowledge be understood and can be reuse (Todorova & Durisin 2007; Yang, J, Alejandro & Boles 2011; Zahra & George 2002).

To absorb knowledge, one needs to analyse, process, interpret and understand the captured knowledge (Yang, J, Alejandro & Boles 2011)
Photo by bengrey


Context affects how much transformation is needed to make captured knowledge fits for reuse (Arif et al. 2009; Shariq 1999; Szulanski 1996).

If the contexts of knowledge owners and reusers are similar, this helps knowledge transfer by reducing stickiness. The ability to reduce the stickiness of organisation knowledge can enhance the effectiveness of knowledge transfer and hence knowledge reuse.

A success transfer

Only when the recipient received what he/she looks for
Photo by inallyourways

A few success factors

  • Willingness to contribute
  • Absorptive capability of recipients
  • Mutual trust between owner and recipient
  • Adequate IT infrastructure
A higher absorptive capacity means people can have an easier understanding and integration of source knowledge, thus making knowledge reuse easier ( Daghfous, Ashill & Rod 2013).

Many barriers

  • High degree of tacitness
  • Limited absorptive capacity
  • Insufficient context
  • Credibility of the source
  • Inadequate IT infrastructure
  • Cultural barrier
  • Fear of losing unique value
  • Absence of clear, measurable and realistic KPIs

What can we do

To have effective knowledge transfer
Photo by .reid.

Build a knowledge sharing culture

Water cooler/Foster discussions/Higher autonomy
Increase willingness & chance to share
Photo by ryancr

Build adequate IT infrastructure

User friendly/Accessible/Available/AAA
Increase the effectiveness of transfer
Photo by torkildr

Provide sufficient context

Increase the effectiveness of transfer

Happy Employees

Photo by pavlinajane