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Anabolic Steroids

Published on Dec 22, 2015

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Anabolic Steroids

By Jeffrey Williams
Photo by MattysFlicks

What are anabolic steroids?

  • Anabolic steroids are the man made equivalent of testosterone.
  • They produce extreme muscle and prevent muscle breakdown.
  • Legal by prescription only in the U.S.
Photo by epSos.de

Uses of anabolic steroids

  • These types of steroids are most commonly used to boost the levels of testosterone in the body, which in return makes the users' muscles larger.
  • Doctors also prescribe anabolic steroids to patients with hormone problems, delayed puberty, and muscle losses.
Photo by Hammerin Man

Effects anabolic steroids have on the body

  • General side effects: Acne, mood rage, depression, increased hair growth, low sperm count, and a deeper voice.
  • Long term side effects/risks: Shrinking testicles, breast enlargement, high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.
Photo by tim caynes

Administration of anabolic steroids

  • There are two ways that anabolic steroids can be administrated into the body. They are: orally and by injection.
  • Orally administrated steroids are entered through the mouth.
  • Injection administrated steroids are shot into your blood stream by a needle.
Photo by OpalMirror

Consequences of using anabolic steroids

  • Forfeit of any trophies, or rewards won from any sport tournaments where steroids were present in your body.
  • Time in jail.
Photo by Nataraj Metz