Anastasia was 1 of 5 children. Their family was the last royal family ever to live in Russia. They lived during the early 1900s. The story takes place in Russia. It starts out in Petrodvorets, Russia and then moves to the Ural Mountains.
The plot of the story is real. All of the events that take place in the book, really happened. The other main characters in the story are made up of her family, friends, and a few enemies.
Lots of people during this time kept diaries. So, it made sense for my novel to be in diary form. I think that the author captured the feelings of Anastasia very well.
This book is written in first person point of view and is written as a diary. This is not the real diary of Anastasia, but this is similar to what she might have written.
The whole feeling of the novel changes when her family is forced to flee their country due to deadly threats made to their family by the Communists who wanted to rule Russia.
In 1917, during WWI, soldiers began a mutiny after not agreeing with Anastasia's father. He was the main ruler of Russia at the time. Their family was relocated to the Ural Mountains after threats were made to the family.
Anastasia was a mystery for many years. The bodies of Anastasia and her brother Alexei were not found. It was thought that they had survived the execution, but turned out to be false. The bodies of Alexei and Anastasia were found in 2007.
This novel made me realize first of all who Anastasia was, and second, what she went through when she was just a young girl. I was able to see the struggles and know her feelings about the events in her life.
Anastasia lived an extravagant life with anything she ever wanted or needed at her fingertips. Then her life was flipped upside down. She was forced to leave her country, taking only a few things with her.