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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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the basics of the human body
Photo by garryknight

Anatomy is the basic setup
of the human body. It's gross, but very cool.

Photo by columnfive


the support structures of the body

Bones are not only the support structures of the body, but they are also
the most important structure in the body. Everything is dependent on the bones.

Photo by zifban


intestines, lungs and other things
Photo by garryknight

Organs include lungs, kidneys, intestines, the stomach, and a lot of other things.

We use our lungs to breathe. We need to breathe.

The stomach is very important. When we eat, the food goes to our stomach. Our stomach then processes the food, and sends nutrients throughout the body.

When our stomachs are finished processing the food into waste. It goes into the intestines. The intestines take the remaining nutrients from the waste and dispose of it.

Kidneys filter our blood through pee.
Gross right?

Photo by Photo Giddy

The heart is NOT an organ! It is a muscle that pumps our blood.


no guts, no gore
Photo by Csutkaa

Blood is what keeps us alive. It carries oxygen and other things to and from our brain.


There are red blood cells and white blood cells. They are both very important.

Photo by Ton Haex

Red blood cells carry oxygen to the brain.

Photo by Ton Haex

White blood cells destroy bacteria and viruses in the body.

Photo by gfinder


how we move
Photo by Rob Swatski

Muscles allow us to move. If we did not have muscles we could not move and we would not have a heart.

Photo by Rob Swatski

The Brain

how we do anything.
Photo by illuminaut

The brain allows us to move, think, and breathe.
we could not do anything without our brains.

Photo by _DJ_

This concludes my presentation. I hope you enjoyed it.

Photo by hatalmas