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Ancient Egypt

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by delphaber

Ancient Egypt classes
The classes depended on how wealthy you were, so peasants and slaves were at the bottom of the classes, following that is craftsmen and farmers, then wealthy merchants, after that nobles and military leaders, priests and scribes and finally pharaohs at the very top.

Marriage and family
Families spent a lot of time together, spending evenings together and meals.Wealthy men could have more than 1 wife, only if he could look after her. Children could marry at the age of 13 and marriages usually lasted for life. The mothers were to stay home and look after the kids whilst the father cared for the welfare. Families usually had four and seven children. Only about half of the children born lived past their 5th birthday (cause is mainly diseases). Boys would work and educated whilst it whilst girls were at home helping around the house with their mother.

Most children didn't go to school because only the sons of the wealthy and noble got to attend. The boys were taught by scribes, and any boy who was lazy or careless got beaten with a cane. The boys started school at the age of four and finished the age if sixteen. The subjects they learnt were: writing hieroglyphics, law, mathematics, painting, geography, history, strategies of war and manners.

Fashion in Ancient Egypt
Both genders wire make up (eye liner around the eye called kohl), wigs, jewellery and other ornaments. Men wore short linen kilt skirts with a cloth band over one shoulder, the women wore long dresses that fell from their armpits. Also both genders would often shave their hair off their heads and wear a wig.

Women had as many rights as the men did in law. They could run a business just like a man did and the same payment. But they could only hold position of power in the government if they were of royal blood. If a husband was violent to his wife, then she could ask for a divorce or apply for protection from the courts.