First the Anubis will clean the body with a palm wine. Then he will cut the body open and take out the internal organs. The Anubis will then dry the internal organs out with natron salt. When the organs are dried, he puts them in canopic jars. Then they removed the brain by pulling it out through the bodies nose. After that they dried the insides with natron salt and sowed the body back up. Then they cleaned it in natron salt for 40 days. Then here came the wrapping. The Anubis wrapped the body from head to toe with linen. But the fingers and toes are wrapped separately. Then they read spells and words. They then put the body in a sarcophagus. Then their family members would bring food and things to drink if the soul was still alive.
Great Pyramid of Giza The builder of this pyramid is Khufu. The lower level of the inside is the Subterranean Chamber, beneath the ground level is the entrance, on the middle level is the Queens Chamber, down the hallway from that is the Great Gallery, and the top level is the burial chamber. This pyramid was built in 2584 BC. It is located in Cairo, Egypt. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest of all Seven Wonders of the World. Also it's the largest pyramid ever built.
The builder of the Great Sphinx is Khafra. Inside the pyramid is Khafra's Causeway, Khafra's Lower or Valley Temple, 4th Dynasty Sphinx Temple. Near the pyramid is the Great Sphinx, New Kingdom Sphinx Temple. This pyramid was built in 2520-2494 BC. It was built in Giza, Egypt. Some scientists think that the Sphinx had a beard.
Your fearful form is the work of the deathless gods. To spare the flat and fertile lands they placed you in your depression. A rocky island from which they banished the sand. They placed you as a neighbor to the pyramids...Who vigilantly watches the blessed Osiris.
Hapy was in charge of inundation. Hapy had a pot belly and had water plants on his head. He was also important to the Egyptians because he brought the flood water to them.
Tawaret has a head of a hippopotamus with the arms and legs of a lion, the back and tail of a crocodile, and the breasts and stomach of a pregnant woman. He was in charge of protecting women during pregnancy and childbirth.