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Ancient Egyptian Society

Published on Nov 25, 2015

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  • They thought their boys how to trade.
  • The civil administration grew and the men because more involved in the hierarchy.
  • The men were powerful in ancient Egypt they were pharaohs and kings.
  • The men's jobs were growing crops, selling, buying, and building.
  • They were considered farmers, slaves, craftsmen and pesents.
  • The slaves took care of the plantations, and farmers took care of the fields.
  • The men were very important in the ancient Egyptian history.
  • The men thought the women helping them and giving them food were there servants.
  • The men were both powerful and at the top of the social pyramid, and they were at the bottom as slaves.
  • He slave were at the bottom, but still very important to the ancient Egyptians.
Photo by kairoinfo4u


  • Women had a raised their children.
  • They took care of their families
  • When the men because involved in the hierarchy the women social dependence grew, but there position decreased.
  • Women served the men.
  • Women had more right in ancient Egypt then in other ancient societies.
  • Women were limited to certain profession such as wives.
  • Ancient Egyptians believes that a goal in life was happiness and joy so they treated women better.
  • Women were giving the choice to have their own farms and work on them.
  • The women were important to the men because they helped with the food, and they raised the children.
  • The children would grow up to be like there mothers unless they were boy then the boys would become like there father.
Photo by mharrsch


  • Both men and women could be rulers (only some women did.)
  • Both men and women could work.
  • They earned the same wage regardless of gender.
Photo by kairoinfo4u


  • Writing
  • Art
  • Architecture
  • The calendar
  • The Nileometer
Photo by Arch_Sam


  • They first carved the writings in to walls or stone.
  • Later they developed canvases, papyrus, pottery,plaster, and wood to paint on.
  • Art was intended to be enjoyed by the afterlife.
  • Paints were drawn inside the temples.
Photo by colinaut

Art was very important to people in ancient Egypt. People made art to make the after like feel at peace and to put it up on the wall of tombs and pyramids.

Photo by isawnyu

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  • Ancient Egyptians were great artist.
  • They were skilled, stone workers, metal workers, and jewelers.
  • These materials made statues, necklaces, collars, and bracelets.
Photo by


  • The first system of writing was the hieroglyphics.
  • Writing used 600 symbols.
  • The only thing people used before painting, was writing.
  • People would use writing to communicate.
Photo by Will.House


  • The ancient Egyptians built many things such as pyramids, tombs and temples.
  • The temples built were believed to be homes of the gods.
  • Columns were put inside the temples to support the roof and walls together.
  • Statues were built of God and pharaohs.
Photo by inchiki tour

Architecture was a big part of ancient Egyptian culture. With out it they wouldn't have pyramids, statues, tombs, etc... It has also made Egyptians smarter.

Photo by sdhaddow


  • The calendar was invented by the ancient Egyptians.
  • They used it to tell the days and the years.
  • It had 360 day and 12 months on it.
  • With in the 12 months it had 3 season split into 4 months with in the season.
Photo by ah8r


  • It was used to measure the rising and falling water levels of the Nile river.
Photo by killkudzu

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