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Ancient Greece

Published on Dec 14, 2015

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💼History Starts Now💼
Photo by diffendale


  • Greece is located in the inside of Southern,Europe
  • Greece is also located near the Ionian Sea,the Mediterranean Sea and the Aegean sea


  • City-state:a city that with its surrounding territory forms an independent state.
  • Golden Age:an idyllic, often imaginary past time of peace, prosperity, and happiness
  • Athens:Athens is the capital and largest city of Greece. Athens dominates the Attica region and is one of the world's oldest cities
  • Sparta:Sparta, or Lacedaemon was a prominent city-state in ancient Greece, situated on the banks of the Eurotas River in Laconia, in south-eastern Peloponnese.
  • Hellenistic:of or relating to Greek history, language, and culture from the death of Alexander the Great



  • The Greeks wore light, loose clothes as the weather was hot for most of the year. .
  • Long pieces of colourful fabric were used to make the Greek clothes.
  • Greek schools were small.
  • The schools were not free so only the rich could really afford to send their children to school.
  • The Ancient Greeks grew olives, grapes, figs and wheat and kept goats, for milk and cheese.


  • The Prime Minister is Head of Government.
  • Greece is a republic with a democratic form of government
  • Greece is.....Ruled by a king and Ruled by many.


  • Alexander The Great is Alexander III of Macedon, commonly known as Alexander the Great.
  • Alexander was a King of the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon.
  • Alexander is important because he spreaded the best parts of Greek culture to other parts of the known world.


  • The parthenon is a former temple on the Athenian Acropolis, Greece,
  • The parthenon is dedicated to the goddess Athena.
  • The Acropolis is a citadel or fortified part of an ancient Greek city.


  • Social structure is the people in a society.
  • the people in a society considered as a system organized by a characteristic pattern of relationships


  • Antheia was in charge of gardens, flowers, swamps, and marshes.
  • Antheia was one of the Charites or Graces of Greek.
  • Antheia had beautiful Hair and she was lightskin.
  • Achelois was a Moon Goddess.
  • Achelois was one of the seven Muses said to be the daughters of Pierus.