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Ancient Greece

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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By Carlos Ortega

What were the four types of government?

  • Oligarchy
  • Democracy
  • Tyranny
  • Monarchy

what was democracy?

  • A Democracy was when..
  • A country was ruled by the people
  • Where people had voices and could vote
  • Did you know...
  • If you were a slave,woman, child you could not participate
Photo by Million Seven

What was oligarchy?

  • Oligarchy was when the power rested in a small group of people
  • Usually if you were wealthy and had power, you could be in an Oligarchy
  • There were usually 3 to 4 people that were in an Oligarchy


  • Tyranny was ruled by one person 
  • Usually a wealthy, powerful man
  • With help from government support

what was monarchy?

  • A Monarchy is...
  • When the ruling power rests in one person
  • Such as a king or queen
  • A oligarchy had to be ruled by..
  • Someone coming from a wealthy bloodline
Photo by billsoPHOTO

who ruled ancient greece?

  • Ancient Greece was not ruled by one single person
  • It was ruled by various different governments
  • These governments were made by City-States
  • Some City-States were larger, therefore were more powerful
  • The two strongest City-States were Athens, and Sparta

Why was athens one of the  most powerful city-states

  • Athens was powerful because of...
  • Its powerful government system..
  • Which let all citizens have a voice to help with..
  • 1. Government issues
  • 2. Military spending
Photo by Samuel Lavoie

why was sparta one of the most powerful city-states?

  • Sparta was very powerful because of.... 
  • Its military power and elites; Spartans.
  • Spartans were very brave in battle.. 
  • Conquering many and becoming very powerful
Photo by damiandude

Athenian Government

  • Athens was governed by the people of Athens
  • People would vote for whatever choices
  • BUT,  if you were a child, women, or slave, you couldnt vote
  • many times it was difficult to vote because of so many people 
  • btw Athens was a democracy if you didnt know
Photo by {Wes}

Spartan Government

  • Sparta was ruled by two kings, who led wars and fought fiercly
  • In addition to kings, there were five ephors
  • These five ephors came from aristocratic familys
  • Sparta had a council of elders
  • Sparta was a mix of monarchical, oligarcic, and democratic
Photo by Great Beyond

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