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Ancient Rome ABCs

Published on Apr 05, 2016

Learn more about Ancient Rome with the Ancient Roman ABCs!


The Roman ABC's

By: Natalie F. 

A is for Arch

  • An Arch was used to support enormus weight, this stutcter helps hold up The Colosseum to this every day.
Photo by sfu.marcin

B is for Bathhouse

  • Bathhouses were used quite frequently, They were at little to no cost and included anything from a library, to a restaurant, to an exercise room!
Photo by kendoman26

C is for The Colosseum

  • The Colosseum is the largest structure of its kind, it is also still standing today.
  • Battles were held in The Colosseum.
  • Prisoners were held under The Colosseum.
Photo by tjsalo

D is for Diocletian

  • He was an army general and was big on slavery.
  • He was also a Military Commander.
  • Original name was Diocles before he joined the Military.
Photo by col&tasha

E is for Emperor Augustus Caesar

  • Brought peace to Rome.
  • Established a postal system and also a uniform system of currency.
Photo by Kath B

F is for Festivals

  • In ancient Rome, they had festivals through out the entire year.
  • Festivals included of having a feast, with all different kinds of food

G is for Gladiator

  • Trained men would go and fight other men or even wild animals in an arena.
  • The Colosseum was used as a battle arena for Gladiators.
Photo by storem

H if for Human Sacrifice

  • People made human sacrifices during stressed times.
  • People also made human sacrifices during times of war.
Photo by Werner Kunz

I is for Italy

  • The Etruscan's ancient people who lived in what is now know as Italy.
Photo by Werner Kunz

J is for Jupiter

  • Supreme ruler.
  • Cloud Gatherer, Lord of the Sky, Rain God.
  • King of all the God.
  • Also knowns as Zeus.
Photo by Dorron

K is for King

  • Jupiter (Zeus) is the King of all of the Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses.
Photo by joffathan

L is for Lepidus

  • Marcus Aemilius Lepidus was succeeded by Julius Caesar.
  • He was born and he died in Italy.

M is for Mercury

  • Mercury is Hermes Roman name.
  • Messanger of Mortals.
  • God of Thieves.
  • Was Zeus's son.
Photo by garryknight

N is for Nero

  • Nero gave aid to his people after the fire.
  • He was adopted by his uncle to be his successor.

O is for Outstanding Army!

  • The Ancient Romans had an outstanding army.
  • They took over most land near and around the Mediterranean sea.
Photo by riklomas

P is for Pluto

  • Pluto is Hades Roman name.
  • Ruler of the Underworld and Ruler of Death.
  • Zeus's other brother.
Photo by jbhalper

Q is for Quadangle

  • Most Etruscans cities were arranged in the form of a quadangle.
Photo by CafeYak.com

R is for Roman Numerals

  • The Romans way of numbers.
  • We still use them today for sports events (super bowl).
  • Used for the government, numbered the 12 tables in Roman Numerals.
  • These are also used on some clocks today.
Photo by hjl

S is for Slaves

  • Some slaves were highly educated
  • Other slaves had highly ranked jobs.
  • Non-educated slaves had punishment, they usually worked on farms or in mills or mines.

T is for the 12 Tables

  • A system of government.
  • Stated what was to be done based on the consequences and actions of the Roman people.
Photo by Ingrid Taylar

U is for Uranus

  • Uranus was the name for the Roman God of Heaven.
  • Father of the Titans
  • This Roman name is the same as the Greek.
  • 7th planet from the sun.
Photo by ..ric..

V is for Venus

  • Venus is Aphrodite's name in Roman.
  • Goddess of love and beauty
  • Wife of Hephaestus (God of the Forge).

W is for Wealthy

  • Etruria was wealthy because of its fertile land and rich mineral ore.
Photo by kenneoh

X is for, well, the letter X!

  • The letter X that we use today to spell words is also a Roman Numeral.
  • X is the symbol for the number 10
Photo by stockerre

Y is for Your Decisions

  • In Ancient Rome, mistakes weren't free.
  • With each action there was a consequence.
  • They had a system of government system called the 12 Tables.
Photo by Mark Fischer

Z is for Zeno

  • Zeno was a eastern Rome emperor.
  • He married the Eastern emperor Leo I's daughter Ariadne.

The End!

Hope you enjoyed! 
Photo by italianjob17