Roman Roads The Romans ere very famous for there roads.To build them they started at the bottom layer with stones.After that they added pebbles, stone, cement, and sand.
Roman Roads After they added cement with broken tiles. Paving stones were the surface of the road. Then on the sides of the road there was kerb stones and they held in paving stones to make a channel for water.
Roman Buildings The Romans also where known for their buildings and one of them is the Pantheon. It is the temple to all Gods in Rome. It has many rows of columns and in the back it has a large room with a dome over it making the ceiling higher and the room bigger.
Roman Buildings Wealthy people in Rome had large two story houses. They entered through a courtyard and it was the center and branched of to most of the other rooms. Most poor people in Rome lived in small rooms over shops or other buildings.
Roman leaders Generals and politicians struggled for control in the Roman empire. Julius Cesar was a politician/military general who came from a wealthy family. During Cesar's time of govern he conquered most of western Europe.
Roman Leaders Rome tried too take Julius Cesar's power but he just wouldn't let it happen. In 44 B.C. Cesar made himself dictator of Rome(A dictator is someone who rules the whole government with full power or with a single political party with full power). Julius Cesar was executed by people of Rome in 44 B.C..
Romulus and Remus Romulus and Remus are twin brothers that were abandoned by their parents as babies and were put into a basket and put into the Tiber river. A shepherd found them and raised them by the Tiber river.
Romulus and Remus As Romulus and Remus got older Romulus killed his brother. Romulus killed his brother because he wanted credit of finding Rome. Rome is actually where the brothers were raised but it wasnt a city yet. Rome was actually found and started by settlements next to the Tiber river.
Roman Government The citizens of Rome elected represntitives who ran the government on their behalf. Our modern day government is structured like theirs. There are three branches of government.
Roman Government The three branches of government are the senate, the assembley, and the consuls. All of them had some control over each other. The forum was the center of banking, comers, and law.
Roman Numerals Romann numerals is the number system used for ancient Rome and is still used for other things today. Roman numerals are used on some clocks, numbering of super bowls, and is used to count numbers of some movies. Roman numerals are also used for naming number of generationn of your name passed down.
Latin Language A lot of our language used today is based on Latin. Latin is one of the first languages and ours ( English) has many words that where in Latin. Latin was used in the Roman Empire and is still taught today in school.