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Ancient Rome

Published on Mar 27, 2016

Kate Stafford haicku deck


Ancient Rome

By:Kate Stafford
Photo by Moyan_Brenn

Roman Bath Houses

  • Women used the baths in the morning, when the men were not allowed in
  • Baths were not only needed for bathing, but men would meet up and talk business
  • Romans would also go to the bath houses to releive stress
  • Most Roman towns had at least one bath house
Photo by Verino77

Roman Bath Houses continued

  • The bath houses were extremely popular because many lived in homes without a bathroom
  • Every bather had to visit the unheated dressing room called the frigidarium first, where he or she changed his or her clothes
  • The Romans actually only went to the bath to wash all over once a week
  • The first baths in Ancient Rome were referred to as Balneum
Photo by rosswebsdale

Roman Laws

  • In 509 B.C. the Roman goverment turned into a republic
  • The laws claimed to have established helping rules to provide care for citizens
  • The Roman law consist from laws of the Roman republic and the empire
  • A unwritten law was considered custom in the Roman times

Roman Laws continued

  • The Roman law greatly grew to where they had to seperate it into written laws
  • The citizens were able to vote for their leaders who created their laws
  • They made it so that the laws applied to everyone wether you were rich or poor
  • These laws were mainly about crime,property,and family situations like marriage or custioty

Julius Caeser (100-44 B.C.)

  • Julius Caeser was one of the best military leaders in history
  • Most believe Julius Caeser's most significant accomplishment was the Conquest Of Gaul
  • Julius Caeser was later a memeber of the first triumvirate
  • Julius Caeser later ended up being sole dictator of Rome
Photo by Rich Gibson

Octavian Agustus (27-14 A.D.)

  • Octavian Agustus was Julius Caeser's nephew
  • Octavian Augustus was the first emperor of Rome
  • Originally his name was Octavian but he changed it to Augustus in 27 B.C
  • Octavian was not the most friendly guy but he was clever and a good law maker
Photo by david__jones

Octavian Augustus continued

  • He had many accomplishments like building roads and setting up a mail service
  • Octavian Augustus died in 14 B.C
  • The month of August was named after him in honor
  • Once he died his stepson, Tiberius, became king

Roman Roads

  • The Romans were able to create a great building material called concrete
  • Rome had some of the greatest road engineers
  • The Romans overtime built thousands of miles of roads
  • Some of the roads that the Romans built are still here today
  • Many covered their roads with asphult so they could be used as road bed
Photo by byb64

Roman Roads continued

  • Many covered their roads with asphult so they could be used as road bed later
  • At the peak of the Roman Empire, there were over 400,000 km of roads
  • These roads were what was connecting the units of Rome
Photo by ell brown

Roman Numerals

  • We write our numbers with Hindu-Arabic numerals where as they use Roman Numerals
  • With Roman Numerals anytime a smaller number comes immediately before a larger number, the smaller number s subtracted from the larger number
  • The process above is called subtractive notation
Photo by lovestruck.

Roman Numerals continued

  • When a smaller number comes after a large number, the numbers add up
  • Roman Numerals are generally read from left to right
  • Also they can be read from largest number to smallest number
  • You also can only subtract a number when its 1 power of ten less than the one you are subtracting from
  • You cant ever subtract more than one numeral from another
Photo by Horia Varlan

Roman Numerals examples

  • I=1 II=2 IX=9
  • V=5 III=3
  • X=10 IV=4
  • C=100 V=5
  • M=1000 VI=6
  • L=50 VII=7
  • D=500 VIII=8
Photo by Leo Reynolds


  • Romulus and Rumulus were twin brothers
  • There parents abandoned them when they were babies and sent the down the River Tiber in a basket
  • Romulus and Rumulus were later raised by a Shepard
  • Remus was killed by his brother which made Romulus the only founder of Rome

Romulus&Rumulus continued

  • The name Rome follows the founder, Romulus
  • So kids in schools all over learn about this story but conclude it as just a legend
  • The Romans then and later had much power over many of the others
Photo by sbamueller

The Latin Language

  • The Latin Language was originally a Italian language that was developed on the Italian Peninsula
  • Latin is a descendent of the ancient Indo-European language
  • Many school's and universities have independent classes to teach Latin
  • Latin is still used in many modern languages today like english
Photo by mmarftrejo

The Latin Language continued

  • A.M.= Ante Meridiem
  • P.M.=Post Meridiem
  • Momoriam=Memory
  • Infinitum=Infinity
  • Quaestio=Question
  • Interim=Interval
  • Scientia=Science


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