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Published on Mar 31, 2016

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Common Causes:

  • Blood loss
  • Increased destruction of red blood cells
  • Decreased production of red blood cells

Blood loss

  • Acute hemorrhage: post-partum; body will catch up
  • Chronic: mennorrhagia or gut bleeding 

Increased destruction (hemolytic)

  • Malaria
  • Sickle cell anemia
  • Often re-generation can keep up with destruction

Decreased production

  • Dysfunctional bone marrow (aplastic anemia)  
  • Main reason is inadequate nutrients  
  • Deficiency of Folate and B12 can be problem too (megoblastic anemia)
  • Most common is iron deficiency

Megoblastic anemia

  • Impaired dna synthesis of red blood cells
  • Caused by deficiency of folate or B12 
  • Folate def. less common as in most fresh fruits and veg.
  • B12 def. (pernicious anemia) more common (malabsorption, lack of intrinsic factor).
Photo by mrlins

Iron deficiency

  • Most common type of anemia
  • Could have higher demand like in pregnancy or early infancy
  • Chronic blood loss  
  • Deficient intake- careful with vegetarian or vegan
  • Malabsorption issues (celiac, gut inflammation, bariatric surgery) 
Photo by natamagat

Signs & Sympoms?

  • Fatigue
  • Pallor
  • Cold extremities
  • Muscle aches
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • GI distress
  • Tingling/numbing of extremities
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath

Treatment will depend on type of anemia:

  • Find deficient nutrient & replace.
  • Heal gut if malabsorption
  • Source of chronic bleeding?
  • Blood builders...

TCM Blood building herbs

  • Research shows that Dong Quai enhances RBC formation

TCM Blood building herbs:

  • Angelica sinensis (Dong quai)
  • Polygonum multiflorum or Fallopia multiflora  (Fo-ti or He-shou-wu)
  • Paeonia lactiflora (White or Red peony) 
  • Rehmania glutinosa (Rehmania) 
  • Codonopsis pilosula

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Rumex crispus (yellow dock)

  • Reputation for anemia
  • Studies reveal a benefit in raising iron when combined with iron, yet not by itself.
  • Better absorption (inflammation?)

RDA for iron

  • Women 19-50 yrs= 18 mg. (post-menopause= 8 g)
  • Pregnancy=27mg.
  • Men 19-50 yrs=8 mg.
  • **Vegetarians need to double RDA
  • What helps and hinders non-heme iron absorption?
Photo by artolog

Highest iron foods:

  • Mollusks- 24mg (3 oz)
  • Animal liver-113 mg (4 oz)
  • Pumpkin seeds- 34 mg (1 cup)
  • Nuts-7.8 mg (1 cup)
  • Beef and lamb 3.1 (3 oz)
Photo by morberg

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  • Beans & Pulses 6.6mg (1 cup cooked)
  • dark leafy greens-6 mg (1 c cooked)
  • Dark chocolate 5 mg (1 square)
  • Tofu 3.4 mg (1 cup)
Photo by Dey

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