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Anicent Rome

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Anicent Rome

By:Quinly Lin Block3

Center A
Over in a thousand years Romans built the finest system of highways. Roads were build with Romans solider. The roads were use for trading, for merchants. It was a highway system to them.

Photo by vgm8383

Center A
Lots of men were working on the roads.They were working on a special project.Many slave were helping and play a important part of the project. The eleven aqueducts brought water to Rome.

Center B
A place back then where Romans like to go is a public baths. These baths have swimming pools and bath also workout area. There are other things to do to, like shopping, eating at restaurants and stores to visit.

Photo by ell brown

Center B
The Romans thought that cleaning was very important. A town would have public bathhouse .These bathhouse can be free and a little cost. It was said that Romans were one of the most cleanest civilized. Public baths were good for anyone even for poor. These baths are popular in Rome, they dress out and relax in the baths.

Photo by Scott SM

Center B
The Romans were very busy because of there amazing houses. There were over 1.2 million people. Many poor people live in 5 to 6 story building apartment. There apartment would have small room in then. Wealthy people had a luxurious home with like a small town. They will built two stories houses, in the outside it looks bare, but the faces inward will have very few window. It was made out of red bricks and shinning marbles.

Photo by stefelix

Center C
Julius Caesar was a famous military commanders in Gaul or today France. He because a governor of the provinces of Cisalpine Gaul. When Caesar meet Cleopatra he became into the civil war. he accomplished what he needed to do.

Photo by thisisbossi

Center C
Caesar went back to Italy from Egypt. They were client state. he was a amazing generals, well known at home and outside. His nephew name was Octam and became
emperor. He raises a strong army and was defeated. At 44 BC Caesar was stabbed and died on March 15. He was killed by Mark Antony.

Center D/Romans
The Romans were similar to the Greeks. There gods were the same but they were name by the planets. For example Zeus was Jupiter. The Greeks were mostly focus on the gods life. Romans were well known of order of organization.

Center D/Greeks
The Greeks love reading about myths, gods, poetry and drama. Greeks myths had adventures and lesson to be learned.Zeus was the main god for Greeks. They believe that the god live on top of Mount Olympus.

Photo by washingtonydc

Center E
In the beginning there were lots of kings that rule. In 509 BC the Romans Republic came. The citizens get to vote for there leader. There was 300 senators and two leader was call consuls. Laws were made at that time. The republic didn't treat citizens equally. They were divide into groups the patricians and plebeians. Patricians were the rich ones while the plebeians were the lower class

Photo by tomamico

Center E
In 450 BC the first code of law was published, this was call the twelve table. They were written in 12 bronze table. This law has a property ownership, marriage, building codes and punishment.

Photo by rethought

Center E
The Roman Empire was build in 27 BC. this was after the republic. The republic still was going, but the leader had the power. Citizens at that time had very little power.

Photo by mharrsch

Center F
Many phrases and word in English is from Latin language. There languages was used by the Romans.When used in phases like R.I.P it would stand for "Rest In Peace". There is many more but you might not know what it mean, but we say there words everyday. But for the Romans this was there main language.

Photo by failing_angel

Center G
The Romans numerals was very hard to do and learn. How they write it was different firm us today. A number can be very long because of there symbol. Arabic numerals is easier and this is why we still use Arabic numerals today.

Photo by vidalia_11